RE: [NetEpic ML] Netepic Background

From: <jyrki.saari_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 09:20:19 +0200

>-----Original Message-----
>From: ext Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
>Sent: 30. October 2001 1:40
>Subject: [NetEpic ML] Netepic Background
>Many a time we have changed "official" GW background to suit our needs.
Some have even gone >as far as to attempt to write our own version. Fluff
was always a cool component of reading >the old rulebooks and I would like
to be a part again someday. This has an application >beyond mere
entertainment for netepic, since I may start to fulfill a long thought about
>project. Producing a full color version of Net Epic. A version with fluff,
short stories >intercalated in the text and pictures, just like the old AT
books. Of course to avoid >copyright issues (as always) I would prefer a
background made by us. This is not to say it >needs to be all that different
from "official" sources, but done in our own words and with >our own touch.
Especially doing races like the Squats (all but abandoned by GW), Slann
>(according to our fluff) and now the Tau. Its a large project, but I think
fun, since >people could flesh out things not even GW has done.
>If there is interest let me know, so we could start some initial

Yep, there still is. However, last time we tried this there was a large rift
between those who think the Imperium is too stagnant and the other side.
This will be a tough nut to resolve.

Aside from that, have you thought about where the Slann homeworlds are?

And now a REALLY scary thing. A while ago a couple of us started the Void40k
project, and the first test battle was Viridians vs. IG. That got me
thinking about including the Void nations to 40k universe <evil grin>. That
is, after I've finished that #&X$! graduation thesis I'm still writing.
>Don't worry about the Tau and DE, the Tau will be reposted for discussion
and seems closer >than the DE to conclusion. The DE needs more
decision-making on everyones part since there >are several variants for the
same units running around.
>Besides these the only thing that I still owe the group are the net epic
army cards for >titans, which I finally mustered some resolve to finish.
Other cards such as optional units >and the slann must await suitably
painted minis for completion, unless list members have >some painted already
<wink, wink, hint, hint>.
Jyrki Saari

-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is

Received on Tue Oct 30 2001 - 07:20:19 UTC

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