RE: [NetEpic ML] Net epic background ideas

From: <jyrki.saari_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 16:27:22 +0200

-----Original Message-----
From: ext Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
Sent: 31. October 2001 17:07
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Net epic background ideas


>>Here is some fluff we can expand upon. The sources are many and mostly old
>>GW books.

>>Era of Legend


>>Wasn't the true purpose of Illuminati to sacrifice the Senseis to the
>>Throne at the moment when the Emperor's consciousness fails so that the
>>Emperor would be reborn?

>Yes, but not all sensei are psychically aware, although they all are

True, actually all the sensei are exactly the opposite: psychic blanks.
That's why warp entities can't harm them unless in physical body, and even
then they are immune to psychical powers.


>>>What impact would an alternate travel method have on the evolution of
>>>Imperial history?

>>There would be no navis nobilite. Space travel would be much safer; no
>>would be lost to warp, warp storms would no longer affect travel to
>>So the effect would be huge.

>Not having to use the warp at all would probably end the chaos threat,
since they would >only be able to manifest through possession.

Yep, but that's still the most dangerous form of attack. That's why Imperium
controls the emerging psykers rigorously.

>>>What's left of these factions and were? (great scenarios could come out

>>Lost human worlds in various states of anarchy. Maybe some _really_
>>technologically advanced systems where ogre-level technology is still more
>>or less around.

>This would be cool, imagine imperial probes never returning to from one
system and a >"crusade" being launched only to be overmatched by humans with
Ogre-level technology...


>How advanced would factions be when cut off by warp storms?


>>I remember reading in some old fluff that teh navigator gene did evolve in
the age of >>technology, now where their nature was similar to current
navigators is another matter.

They could be similar, but weaker, since the genes haven't been fully


>I was heard a suggestion of space Skaven or ratmen.

Yes, these would doubtlessly be a fun addition.


>>P.S. Could you post in plaintext? Pleeeze? :)

>Let me know if this one arrived in plain text, I altered the configuration,
so let me know >that it is working.

Unfortunately it still was in HTML. I forgot what a pain it is to get the
settings changed in yahoo! Quite strange actually, considering I had no
problems before yahoo! took over...

Jyrki Saari

-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is
Received on Wed Oct 31 2001 - 14:27:22 UTC

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