Re: [NetEpic ML] Naming Titans (Curiosity Question)

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:58:03 +1000

At 02:55 AM 11/16/01 +0000, you wrote:
>I was sitting here last night reading all those wonderful answers to the
>Taliban Jokes fiasco and wondered what would these people call their
>Titans/Gasrgants/ Praetorians or whatever.
>My thinking on this is that it might indicate how much people role play the
>armies that they are using at that time to get into the game.

As an Ork Player, I too have named the majority of my Gargants. They
follow a bit of a naming scheme after the major characters of my Ork
Hoarde. I guess I should probably start with the Characters:


Warlord: NobJobz; Bad Moonz Warlord.
Boss Mekboy: NutJobz
Boss Painboy: 'AndJobz
WeirdBoy: 'EadJobz

Mekboy Gargant: MekJobz

Slasha Mob:
BigJobz (Leader, Goff)
SmashJobz (Blood Axe)
StompJobz (SnakeBite)

Great Gargant Mob:
BossJobz (Leader, Bad Moonz)
BiggaJobz (Evil Sunz)
Deth Inna Kan (Deathskullz; they just HAD to be different)

Mega Gargants:
KillaJobz (Goff)
BiggestJobz (Bad Moonz)

Silly, I know, but it just kinda suited them. And there is an actual story
behind the naming of my Weirdboy who started the whole naming scheme. It
just took a life of its own from there...


"Oh no! Waspinator is pinned
     like Iron Butterfly!"
Received on Wed Nov 21 2001 - 00:58:03 UTC

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