Re: [NetEpic ML] Epic 40,000 evolution:Q Army & Allies

From: <Gabewolfe_at_...>
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 05:08:39 EST

[I wouldn't call it bashing more talking about our pimp daddy in a creative
way. They know they are in a tight spot year round. Running to stay ahead of
the game. There focus is the kids. they want to make sure GW is every closet
in the states if not the world. In my interview I was told GW wasn't focus on
those already involved in the game, but looking fr tose who are not. My
interview went well but i was told i was to nice for mail order]

> Now, on to some GW bashing. How could you field a legion sized army
> and fight a titanic battle when artillary pieces come two to a
> blister, cost a fortune, and are made out of 4 or 5 pieces?! The
> troop boxes went from 5/10 sprues of troops, down to the equivlent of
> just two. Nearly all the pieces got remodeled, and the player foots
> the bill. However, only a few of the re-models were worth it, such
> as Imperial Titans, Eldar Vehicles, and the new plastics. Most of
> the work, ended up with unjustifiable results as most units didn't
> look much better than the originals, and some were terrible (Eldar
> Titans?) And to top it all off, tons of good stuff went away.
> MekBoy gargants, tinbots, robots, Eldar knights.....Squats. Loads of
> great metal were reduced to cheap plastic and stuff that used to come
> on the plastic sprues were now seperate metal!

[I was given the wod that it was money issues. If it doesn't bring in enough
to be notice then it is gone. Long debate over the squats. That's a in house
thing. have you ever notice in the old edition of 40K creatures and monsters
had ballistic skills with no range abilities? That's because in house games
they gave their greater deamons heavy weapons like bolters or what have you.

> So, to sum it all up, they labotomized the game system, and expected
> us to throw money at them for the privelege.

[I wish they just have different version say like RPG games. basic and
advanced. so you can put together your own game with your friends. out side
events can post what rules will be used for the day. Don't go over board liek
star fleet battles did back in the day.]

> Pardon the long post and my soap box.
Received on Sat Feb 02 2002 - 10:08:39 UTC

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