I have never understood peoples fascination with playing games that last "less". When I play I separate a whole day for it, so why do I want to just play 30minutes when I can play hours? The perception that somehow a good game can be played quick is false. On the contrary doesn't something good deserve the time?
Also, how fast any given rules is played is PLAYER dependent. I have probably said this ad-naseum. I play 6000 point net epic games to conclusion with set up on average in 2-3 hours. Darius and I consistently got 2 games from 6PM to midnight on almost every visit.
Fast is NOT synonymous with good or elegant. I want ot enjoy my game as I play it, otehrwise whats the point?
----- Original Message -----
From: <deaconblue3_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] My opinions on recent posts
> Before I give any more false impressions (yeah right), let me say I do
> like E40K as a generic set of scifi ground combat rules. It's just that
> it's not Epic to me. It fails miserably to capture the feel and interest
> of the 40K universe, which is what drew me in to it from the first. I do
> use E40K rules for other universes, such as Dune, where the amount of
> variation is much less, and all the armies tend to be more alike than
> different. That said, with in the 40K universe, the amount of variation,
> on many levels, just is incapable of being properly represented by E40K
> as they stand. the game was abstracted too far IMO to allow this.
> Playability isn't always the issue to be dealt with. Personally, I'm not
> looking for a 6mm game that I can crank out in 30 minutes or less. when
> I play, I want the feel of the universe represented, and I want to see
> and know that the variances between the races and armies shows up on the
> battle field in game. E40K didn't do that for me.
> Josh R
> "No matter where you go, there you are." B.Bonzai
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Received on Wed Feb 13 2002 - 20:03:56 UTC