Hello Peter,
Tuesday, February 26, 2002, 6:47:42 PM, you wrote:
thanx peter ;)
PR> Hi!
PR> Net Epic divided psychic attacks into nonphysical and physical.� The dragster force field will protect against physical psychic attacks, such as the weird boy tower psychic attacks.� The dragster
PR> Field does not protect against nonphysical psychic attacks, such as mind blast.
PR> This division of psychic attacks make it makes it much easier to adjudicate which powers function against a given field.
PR> Hope that helps.
PR> Peter
PR> send
PR> ----- Original Message -----
PR> From: "Christian Danckworth" <ce.de_at_...>
PR> To: "netepic" <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
PR> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 1:27 PM
PR> Subject: [NetEpic ML] rules-question/dragster
>> hi -
>> just a check if i am right or wrong :
>> i was always thinking that the forcefield of a dragster also protects
>> against phsycic attacks ?
>> a member in my gaming groups says i am wrong...
>> greetings
>> christian
>> --
>> christian danckworth
>> miniature-design
>> fantastictool
>> p.o box 55 02 03
>> 10372 berlin/germany
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PR> To unsubscribe send e-mail to: netepic-unsubscribe_at_egroups.com
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Best regards,
Christian mailto:ce.de_at_...
Received on Tue Feb 26 2002 - 18:23:06 UTC