Re: [NetEpic ML] net epic suppression

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 09:02:01 +1000

<Lurk mode OFF>
Hey there everyone!

> As well as NetEpic I also play alot of 3e40k. We made a simple system
>for suppression but I don't know if it would work for epic. We said weapons
>only cause suppression if the firer is trying to suppress a unit. When
>laying down a suppressive fire you don't usally really hit anything (your
>trying to force the enemie to keep his head down and not move).

I see your reasoning behind such a house rule, but I have to say it doesn't
make sense. If you're laying down a suppressive fire, you're usually not
actually trying to hit anything, true. But its not the most effective way
of getting an enemy to keep their heads down. The best way is to hit
them. Troops will hit the dirt when the bullets start to zing around
them. They'll go to ground AND freak if one of their guys is actually
hit. Casualties should cause more effective suppression than just firing
to keep their heads down. No one wants to be the next casualty as it
becomes frighteningly real when one of your fellow squaddies goes down.

Stargrunt II represents this wonderfully. When you fire at an enemy squad
there is only one of three possible results:

1. Missed. Too bad.
2. Suppression. You've fired at the enemy accurately enough to scare them,
but not enough to hurt them.
3. Fully Effective fire. You've fired and hit. The enemy hits the dirt
(suppressed) AND someone gets hit and might just buy the farm.

Its beautiful, elegant and realistic. I know we can't really represent
such a rule in the same way in NetEpic, but I think it demonstrates the
point that casualties are at least as effective at pinning and suppressing
enemy troops than simply firing to suppress.


"Oh no! Waspinator is pinned
     like Iron Butterfly!"
Received on Thu Feb 28 2002 - 23:02:01 UTC

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