I remember them from a catalogue they released way back then, but they never saw the light of day, although this is the second report I have heard that you can actually get them.
Perhaps soon I'm going to bug the hell out of you Paul to get these for me, but not just yet.
----- Original Message -----
From: "P.J.T" <paul.j.t_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Exodite minis?
> Hi again guys,
> I've just been talking (emailing) to my online contact who has the Exodite
> miniatures. Apparently they don't actually have Product codes, but here's
> what he said......
> "The codes are:
> > Exodite - A Exodite dragon rider (1 piece model)
> > Exodite - B Exodite winged dragon body (2 piece flyer)
> > Exodite - C Exodite winged dragon rider
> > Exodite - D Exodite king dragon body (2 piece T-rex)
> > Exodite - E Exodite king gragon legs
> > Exodite - F Exodite horned one top half A (4 piece tri. tops)
> > Exodite - G Exodite horned one top half B
> > Exodite - H Exodite horned one head
> > Exodite - I Exodite horned one pulse laser
> >
> > The cost for 3 of each was $60. "
> Best system is apparently to just keep repeating these until the Troll on
> the end of the phone finally understands that you know what you're talking
> about :)
> Hope that helps you guys find them!
> Cheers,
> Paul "TuffSkull" T.
> http://epic40k.com - If its Epic, Its there! (Now an Official Warpgate
> Network site!)
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Received on Mon Mar 18 2002 - 21:49:34 UTC