[NetEpic ML] Re: Who's got the BIGGEST balls?

From: Tzeentch <tzeentch666_at_...>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 22:54:20 -0800

I have YET to see a vortex missile do anything more amazing then accidently
destroy a single Tempest tank when it scattered. I use Warp missiles, much
more effective in my mind.


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          -Dennis Miller

----- Original Message -----
From: Warprat <warprat_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 10:42 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Who's got the BIGGEST balls?

> Hey, thanks to Thomas, Kelvin, Jyrki, Peter, Steve and Ken for thier
> GREAT comments!
> First, sorry, I was wrong about the ball and Eldar holo fields. I
> re-read the rules. The ball IS a template, templates IGNORE holo
> fields.
> Second, although I like to pick the type of round loaded into my
> Gargant, before the battle starts, that is just my preferance.
> The rules have always said that the pick was made at the start of
> the turn.
> Now for an interesting comparison:
> Gut Buster Vortex Missile
> Cost: 100 150
> Firing Rate: 1/2 1 use only
> Range: 100cm Unlimited
> Chance to hit: 1/3 (scatter) 1/3 (scatter)
> Dammage: 1 hit 1d6 hits (3 average)
> Shield damage: Shields reduced to O Shields reduced to 0
> Hit location: Leg Gut Buster, then
> both Magazines
> Chance of
> destroying enemy Falling Ave of 5 fires (1+2+2)
> Titan or Gargant: 1/6 = 17% 0 +1/3 +2/3 = 100%
> Who's got the BIGGEST balls?
> Warprat
> Kelvin wrote:
> >
> > At 10:26 PM 12/7/99 -0800, you wrote:
> > >Frankly, I don't understand what all the Hub-bub is about.
> > >
> > >The Gut Buster can only fire every other round, (of course the first
> > >round is the most deadly). Gargants must choose at the start of the
> > >turn which type of ammo is to be used. I choose the type of ammo to be
> > >loaded, before the game is setup, when I pick my units, not after I
> > >learned what my opponent has taken, and where everything is positioned.
> >
> > No you don't. The rules state that the ammo for the Gutbuster must be
> > chosen "at the start of the game but before the first turn". So you
> > what you are facing. Plus, you don't need to have a table of what you
> > inten load for the whole game before you set up. You simply chose the
> > to load on the turn you relaod it. They really are an effective weapon.
> > love my Gargants.
> >
> > >The Ball round scatters, approx 1/3 chance of a hit. Then there is the
> > >amount of roll, (which usually is no problem). The weapon is GREAT, if
> > >it hits, but it's hardly reliable. And once it's fired, the enemy
> > >you won't be able to use it the turn it reloads. Also, because the
> > >is not a barrage template, Eldar holo fields are effective against it.
> >
> > Perhaps its just me, but I tend to hit more times than not with my Ball
> > Rounds (pardon the unintentional pun). I seem to rarely miss enough
> > the shot will not hit is intended target (usually a Praetorian or
> > Its a ll a matter of positioning.
> >
> > >Gargants have flickering shields and the armor saves are not so great,
> > >so every little shot fired at them has a real chance of doing real
> > >damage, and staring a fire. Infantry weapons have a good chance
> > >Gargants.
> >
> > No they don't. I've waded Great Gargants through Imperial Guard
> > companies and come outh the other side unscathed. I admit I have had
> > when a lucky infantry shot has taken out my Gargant, but that would be
> > twice in about 50 games I have played. Mostly, Gargants take an
> > amount of firepower to stop. Which suits their character.
> >
> > >Of course Gargants are tough, and it takes three fires to ensure
> > >destuction.
> >
> > Try 4. They can survive (and I have) for several turns with 3 fires
> > running on a Great Gargant. Gargants are really tough.
> >
> > >Warlords, on the other hand, have shields that work against the vast
> > >majority of weapons. The shields can regenerate. Warlords can carry
> > >a wide varity of weapons. Among these are Warp Missles and Vortex
> > >Missles. Both of these one shot gambles, can get lucky and do some
> > >pretty horrific damage about 1/3 of the time (scatter).
> >
> > And they are quite fragile once the shields go down. If you have
> > that ignore the shields, then they are in a fair amount of trouble, and
> > there are plenty of cost-effective weapons that ignore shields or trash
> > them fairly readily (Deathstrike missiles, Vibro/Tremor Cannons, Deth
> > Ball Rounds, Vortex and Warp Missiles, Cyclops Cannon, etc..). Plus its
> > really easy to lose 4 or 6 shields in a turn. Doesn't take a lot of
> > firepower to drop them.
> >
> > >Eldar titans are also super neat. Holo fields are awsome, as long as
> > >the titan can keep moving, and avoid the barrage templates Thier
> > >weapons are perhaps the most powerfull in the game. This is ballanced
> > >by the smaller number of weapons they can carry. I absolutly LOVE to
> > >play with Eldar Titans!
> >
> > Nah. Elf Titans is real squishy! I love playing soccer with them!
> > HATE Ball rounds and to really take them out, you only need to land lots
> > barrages on them. Sure, their weapons are pretty good, but the Titans
> > themselves are actually pretty weak. I love squishing them.
> >
> > >I have never played with Chaos titans, but if they are as well
> > >as the other titans, I'm sure they're not a bad pick. Weapons costs
> > >need to be adjusted, but overall, these Gigantic Machines of Destuction
> > >seem to be extreamly well ballanced to me.
> > >
> > >What's the BIG deal?
> >
> > That Titans USED to be the awesome, all-powerful lords of the
> > in Adeptus Titanicus Epic and were downgraded a great deal in Titan
> > Epic. We've tried to redress the balance somewhat in NetEpic, but many
> > us think they are still quite squishy as they stand. That's the big
> >
> > -Kelvin....
> >
> > ============================================
> > "Of course I'm paranoid!
> > Everyone's trying to kill me."
> > ============================================
> >
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