Sv: [NetEpic ML] TAU battlesuits (was: An idea for Slann Mechs)

From: <rune.karlsen6_at_...>
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 14:15:13 +0200


That is the way it is today, with 3 different Slann mechs.
Only the heaviest mech seems to fulfill its role though.
Most of all, the Mechs need the flexibility, and i can really
see no problem in having upgradable mechs. None of them will be
cheesy, since the weapons already exist. It is of course a
question of preference, and is as ive already said, a very
nice way to give some flexibility to the slann price structure
when its time to assemble your army.


> Fra: "antichrist666it" <seimejote_at_...>
> Dato: 2002/04/07 Sun PM 02:11:20 CEST
> Til:
> Emne: [NetEpic ML] TAU battlesuits (was: An idea for Slann Mechs)
> --- In netepic_at_y..., <rune.karlsen6_at_c...> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > its me again :)
> > I've never been satisfied with the way the light and medium
> > Slann Mechs fulfill their roles as infantry support and tank
> > busters. I've also always imagined mechs as miniature versions
> > of titans, and i'd like to see a basic mech which can be upgraded
> > to fulfill the different roles better. As such, ive made a
> > suggestion, which will keep the prices approximately where they
> > are today, but will allow you to equip the mechs in a more flexible
> > manner. One of the reasons im suggesting this, is because the
> > True Slann have very few company cards, and i find it very difficult
> > to balance a 3k army for example. You set up your army as best you
> > can, and you find yourself at 2900,2925 or 2950 points. The Slann
> > have very little cheap units you can take along, and certainly
> > nothing worth measly 50 or 75 points. This warrants a more flexible
> > price structure on some units, and the ones which come to mind are
> > mechs and titans. Here are my suggestions :
> >
> > A basic mech, based on the tadpole (300 for a support card of 3).
> > It has the same stats. This mech can take 4 upgrades, one for
> > armor, one for CAF, one for missiles, and one for main armament.
> >
> > Mech Upgrades :
> >
> > - Enchanced Armor, save reduced by 2. Increased weight, move
> reduced by 10. Cost 25
> > - Enhanced CAF, CAF +2, cost 25
> > - Enhanced CAF, CAF +4, cost 50
> > - Weapons upgrade, Turbo minigun (6 at's, 25cm, 5+, -1). Main
> armament. Cost 25
> > - Weapons upgrade, Twin Gauss Flayer Cannons(2 at's, 50cm, 4+, -2).
> Main armament. cost 50
> > - Weapons upgrade, Twin Heavy Boltcaster Cannons(2 at's, 75cm, 4+, -
> 2). Main armament. Cost 75
> > - Weapons upgrade, Conversion Cannon (2 at's, 75cm, 4+, -1d6). Main
> armament. Cost 100
> > - Weapons upgrade, 2 Nullify missiles. Missile. Cost 50
> >
> > Anybody with a quick mind, will see that the full spec'd mech
> detachment will cost 525, while the heavy mechs today costs 500,
> > but that is with a lower CAF. Choosing your upgrades will enable
> you to f.ex make a heavily armed infantry buster or a lighly armed
> > close combat knight. This way, it is also much easier to balance
> > your army if you need an extra 25/50/75 points or even have to
> > many points. This will of course require a little bookkeeping, but
> > not of any consequence compared to the huge improvements it would
> > make. Being that the Mechs are the backbone of the Slann army, i
> > definately would like to see them with a little more variety and
> > potential.
> >
> > Hope the few Slann players out there agree with me, this is really
> > no big rules modifier, it just gives a little flexibility where
> > some is needed.
> >
> > Rune
> The same may be made for the TAU battlesuits...
> The only difference, instead of a chassis and weapon/shield upgrades,
> it's better IMHO to create just 3/4 standard battlesuit
> configurations (anti-tank, anti-infantry, multi-purpouse...) and
> choose among them.
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