[NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] Core Rules [LONG]

From: brandu <brandu_at_...>
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 13:58:50 -0000

--- In netepic_at_y..., "Peter Ramos" <primarch_at_c...> wrote:

Okay, I can live with this, I just wanted it spelled out
plainly. I'm going to take the part of the "interested
but-know-nothing-newbie" and I'm going to ask all the
'stupid' questions so we don't get stuck with a 18 page FAQ.

I reccomend under Snap Fire:

8. Units with robotic minds (or spirit stones) do not fire
   at a -1 penalty.

9. Once a Unit performs Snap Fire they may not move or fire
   again in this turn.

ANOTHER QUESTION: I have a detachment of 5 Predators. During
my opponents move I snap fire with only 3 of them. May the last
two still fire in the First Fire phase or did the Snap Fire
use up the actions of them all?

If the Snap Fire uses up the action of them all then I recommend
that #9 change to:

9. Once a Unit or Detachment performs Snap Fire they may not
   move or fire again in this turn.


> Hi!
> Snap fire is an all or nothing affair. When you do you must snap
> all your weapons and thus your turn ends. Thus it is really
> counterproductive to use praetorians and titans to snap fire, unless
> they are doing so to some other fleeing titan/praetorian before it
> leaves line of sight. The tactical spectrum of use is very narrow
> though.
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: brandu [mailto:brandu_at_y...]
> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 9:19 PM
> To: netepic_at_y...
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] Core Rules [LONG]
> --- In netepic_at_y..., "Peter Ramos" <primarch_at_c...> wrote:
> comments below.
> >
> > "Snap Fire
> > Snap Fire is a special attack utilized to interdict enemy
> > Since Snap Fire involves tracking moving targets and is less
> efficient
> > than normal fire. "
> >
> > No change.
> >
> > 1. "Snap Fire may only be performed by units on First Fire
> orders.
> > 2. Snap Fire may interrupt an opponent's unit movement at any
> point
> > during the unit's movement. Players are not allowed to Snap Fire
> > stationary targets.
> > 3. Snap Fire imposes a -1 penalty to hit. Units classed as AA do
> > not incur this penalty.
> > 4. You may not interrupt another player's Snap Fire (since these
> > troops are stationary you can not fire at them in the first
> > 5. Units cannot Snap Fire and make a pop-up attack. The unit must
> > already have LOS in order to make use of Snap Fire.
> > 6. Command units that Snap Fire are not allowed to move during
> the
> > same turn, nor are Command units allowed to snap fire after they
> have
> > moved.
> > 7. Artillery units may not Snap Fire. This also extends to
> > Titan/Praetorian weapons that are armed with barrage/artillery
> weapons
> > (other non-artillery/barrage weapons on a Titan/Praetorian may
> > Fire)."
> >
> > We need to add that units with robotic minds (or spirit stones)
> not
> > fire at a penalty.
> >
> If a unit performs a 'snap-fire' what else can it do?
> a: Nothing, this is it's action for the turn.
> b: If the unit has more than one weapon (the one that snap-fired)
> it may fire the other weapon(s) in the advance fire phase.
> This is especially important to Titans, Super-heavies and
> Praetorians. If snap-fire takes up ALL attacks this really hurts
> the big guys.
> Brandu
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Received on Sat Apr 13 2002 - 13:58:50 UTC

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