Re: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Core Rules [LONG]

From: peter cornwell <petecorn_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 18:06:44 +1000

> ---->Alternate objectives should be known in advance, prior
> to chosing army composition. Another point of view is
> allowing alternate objectives only in scenarios and
> campaigns. Seems quite unfair to randomize alternate
> objectives AFTER chosing army composition. A breaktrough
> kind objectives will result in disadvantage when you focused
> your strategy in artillery and waiting for them to come. No
> general will design a force without knowing what it is
> intended for.
> Any suggestions for objectives?

In WD 196 there is an article for alternate objectives for SM2/TL.

They came with two different colour backings to distinguish your
objectives from your opponents. You place them as in the main rules,
except each side apparently had 6 each (I never played it this way).

If one of your models gets within 15 cm of the opponents counter you
can flip it over to see what his mission is.

The objectives are each worth 5 points and they are:

The standard mission objective.

This objective marker represents an enemy held position, such as a
communications relay point. To achieve the mission you must attack
the counter in close combat just as if it was an opposing model. The
counter has a close assault factor of +5, and the combat is treated just

like any other close combat ie the attacking model must be on charge
orders, either side gains the benefits of secondary attackers and the
objective is affected by any special weapons or rules. If you win the
close combat the position has been successfully stormed and if you
lose the combat you're dead!

The capture mission is completed as soon as you can move troops
within 15cm of the objective and closer than the enemy in the end
phase of the turn. Unlike Take and Hold, the objective becomes
yours for the rest of the game so you can take the counter once
you have achieved your mission.

Rescue is different from the other objectives (except Take and Hold),
in that either player can claim victory points for achieving the
If a model moves onto (not within 15cm) the objective, place the counter

under the model (or on the base of the Titan). The model can then move
normally, taking the counter with it. If the model carrying the counter
killed by a tranged attack, leave the counter in place until another
moves onto it and picks it up. If the escorting model is killed in close
the victor may take the counter and escort it from then on. If the
model is part of a detachment that has fallback orders then it
drops the objective counter. Whoever is in possession of it in the end
gets the 5 victory points.

You achieve the Cleanse mission by preventing your opponent from
capturing the objective. The enemy may capture the Cleanse counter
just like a Take and Hold objective (but gains himself no victory
If your opponent is not within 15cm of the objective counter (and
than your troops) in the End phase, you score the five points.

To achieve this objective, you must destroy the counter. It is treated
a building witha 4+ save on 2d6, and can only be targetted by barrage
or weapons whose specific description states that they may attack
If the counter fails its saving throw it is destroyed and the player may
take the

Originally there were two of each objective counters per player, and six
were drawn
out at random (per player). They described a "Poker" type quality, as
you slowly discover
what your opponents objectives are. For me this seems too random. I also
agree that
you should know the objectives before choosing your army, even if the
locations may
end up being randomised. I've only ever sprinkled a few alternate
objectives amongst the
Take and Holds. If used in a mutually agreed fashion, they can
make things more interesting, and help give each battle its own
character. There are
tons of ways they could be applied or rules tweaked. eg not having them
secret at all etc.

Despite the different game mechanics, apparently 3rd edition has these
objectives. In the meantime they did some more playtesting and it looks
like they
made some improvements (like rightfully eliminating the Bombard
objective - yes it is a
crap objective). I'm no authority on the matter as I don't intend
getting third edition.

I'm not saying these rules should necessarily be incorporated into
Netepic at all -
but they were as much a part of 2nd edition rules additions as Ordinatus

Sorry for the long post

Peter Cornwell
Received on Sun Apr 14 2002 - 08:06:44 UTC

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