Re: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] Core Rules Part II

From: Albert Farré Benet <cibernyam_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 02:12:22 +0200

How about:

This also reminded me of another case: What happens if an HQ unit is in the middle of nowhere? let's say the same example but HQ unit was on the right at 55 cm all alone with no other stand in a, say, 30 cm radius. Devastators could just turn view right and see a stand wandering alone in open field, clearly an HQ unit (there's no possibility of confusing with other troopers). Of course, trolls and bloodletters are closer but...hell, that's an HQ all alone in open field...should be a sitting duck.

I agree with you, this is VERY difficult to word without rewriting brand new extensive rules (general rule, exception on general rule, exception to exception on general rule,... repeat n times until satisfied, I think the idea is understood) but I don't think my example was very uncommon. Perhaps rewording HQ targeting as "possible when no other units are closer than 20 cm to the line of sight (firing unit - HQ). Units with different pining class as HQ unit can be ignored. It is also possible to fire at that HQ unit if ALL units closer than 20 cm are also fired on. You cannot allocate more attack dice to HQ than any other unit you are firing upon". I think it could be seen very easily with a little drawing...

..that also brings me the idea of adding little drawings/schematics to exemples. Yeah, I may be an Heretic for saying this, but the extensive use of graphic examples in GW rulebooks helps A LOT to understand rule mechanics (even when they are absolutely nonsense, which BTW it is also quite GW style). Is it possible to add them at least for core rules examples?


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Peter Ramos
  Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 1:35 AM
  Subject: RE: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] Core Rules Part II



  I agree with the premise of your idea, although to express this in clear words may be a little difficult. It would be something like this.


  A HQ unit can only be targeted if they are in a group of units of a different pinning class or the attacker has designated at LEAST two attack dice to each model in the unit IF it's of the same pinning class as the surrounding units.


  Bleh, see what I mean? The worded rule gets damn fiddly. I'd stick it in as an alternate rule until it gets some testing.




  -----Original Message-----
  From: Albert Farré Benet [mailto:cibernyam_at_...]
  Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 7:26 PM
  Subject: Re: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] Core Rules Part II




  That's the way we've always played, and for me should be left this way.


  I would also add that we allow to allocate fire dice to HQ units if ALL closest units in that direction are also fired upon. Here's an example:


  6 SM devastator stands (12 attack dice) on a building have a Troll detachment at 50 cm just in front of them, a Chaos HQ unit at 5 cm just behind the trolls (55cm) and 10 blood letters at 40 cm left (quite distant from the trolls). Following strictly the rules you cannot shoot the HQ because you have non-HQ units closer. The way we play we consider logical and "common sense" (TM) to allocate 2 dice at each Troll stand plus 2 to the HQ. For the same reason, it's nonsense forcing the allocation of ALL dice against only one detachment. If the Devastatators fired on the Bloodletters, how would they distinguish one bloodletter from one "detatchment" from the others (even when mixed)?


  If the detachment fires at once (announmce ALL shots, then solve them) the HQ targetting has to take that into account, or those cheesy tactics of leaving the last fearless gretchin in front of the Nobz so they cannot be targetted, appear.




  ----- Original Message -----

    From: Weasel Fierce


    Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 6:19 PM

    Subject: RE: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] Core Rules Part II


>I'd leave the system as is, but if someone can make a WORKABLE alternate
>than it gets in as optional.

    Honestly...I think that when selecting a detachment..all fire should be
    allocated BEFORE any attack dice are rolled. Reflecting the platoon
    commander telling the guys where to shoot..

    otherwise its...

    "squad 1..shoot at the orks there...darn you missed..squad 2..shoot at the
    orks there...darn you missed. squad 3..
    *the scene continues for an hour untill all the troops have fired and the
    orks have fallen asleep*


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