I always thought net epic needed real commander not just special units
called HQ that do nothing of the sort. These were the simplest rules I
could come up with and I'm testing them with my son (just had a quickie
session after school, maybe more this weekend) as the opposing guinea
I like how it works; it obligates you to focus where you're command is
at all times. Note that it doesn't change how you move, shoot or attack,
but it forces you not to have your armies all over the place since you
would have too many units out of command and increasing your risk. I
especially like how I instinctively held my commander back and
concentrating them around key objectives. You tend to relegate less
crucial tasks to units outside the command radius.
Try it out!
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Kerry [mailto:steve_kerry_uk_at_...]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 5:42 PM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0]Core rules: HQ units.
Hey, I like Peter's idea! It is a bit more complex,
but then I think Epic needs to be just slightly more
complex anyway :)
The idea of command radius, and making all armies
depend on HQ stands a little more than they do now,
definitely appeals to me.
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