Re: Sv: RE: [NetEpic ML] Teleporting Terminators

From: Steve Kerry <steve_kerry_uk_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 14:01:22 +0100 (BST)

According to the fluff, Termies can teleport both in
and out but they very rarely do. Teleporting is only
done when necessary, or where there is a serious
tactical advantage to be gained. There is a small
risk involved in teleporting, say 1% each time, but if
you use it too often then sooner or later it will
catch up with you. Something like a Terminator squad
represents decades of battle experience and
irreplacable hardware, and even a 1% risk is
unacceptable if there is a safe alternative. So they
teleport into battle, and catch a ride back on the
next shuttle once the fighting is over.


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Received on Tue Apr 30 2002 - 13:01:22 UTC

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