[v5.0] Structures (long)

From: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 11:42:02 -0400

I dunno - I've been reading some of the more receint posts and I'm going to
modify my earlier suggestions a little, and make things a bit more complex
in favor of having the same rules for all structures. Yes, I'm overriding
my objection to damage counters in favor of fewer rules to remember. Let's
see how it works.

Keep in mind that you have to allow for some stylized definitions here -
arguements based on specific units will almost always have exceptions. I've
tried to keep this in mind, using "How would *this* catagory work against
*that* catagory?," instead of "How would a tank work against barbed wire?"
Oh - and anytime I mention infantry stands I'm talking about everything in
the infantry pinning-class catagory, which includes light artillery.

Structures come in three catagories:
 1) Light Construction: Things that are weak, delicate, poorly constructed
or have obvious weak points, like suspension bridges. Light buildings tend
to be a good deal taller than anything else.

 2) Standard Construction: Your everyday 40k-era steel & concrete building.
They're not built for combat but will serve rather nicely - most Cold
War-era Soviet construction demonstrates this rather nicely.

 3) Fortifications: Things that are built to withstand combat-level damage
- strongholds, bunkers & the like.

Structures have a number of characteristics:
 1) Armor Save: how resistant it is to damage. Structures always save on 2d6.
          Light: 6+
          Standard: 4+
          Fort: 2+

 2) Protect Things Inside: Things inside are harder to hit than things
outside. The structure also grants you a CAF bonus to all units inside a
building - attacking or defending. Template weapons will auto-hit the
building but you have to roll to hit units inside with the appropriate
          Light: -1 on your To-Hit roll and +1 CAF
          Standard: -2 / +2
          Fort: -3 / +3

+++++ I'm getting rid of the additional armor save to prevent double
indemnity ("What do you mean they're both harder to hit *and* they get
another save!?"). If you hit you hit - units get their normal armor save
and that's it. A -3 penalty is bad enough: *yes* it's tough to hit troops
inside a pillbox, but if you *do* hit 'em, they're dead. I'll provide math
to support this if anyone wants to see it.

 3) Resistant To Damage: If you aim at a building (as opposed to units
inside), you automaticly hit. However, non-artillery weapons can't hurt
buildings. Titan template weapons and anything listed as "Damages
Buildings" can. If you Close-Assault a building, you hit and it must make
it's armor save at a -2 penalty. You count as "immobilized," though,
meaning you don't get the normal 2d6 CAF roll if anyone else tries to kill
you in Close Combat - so you'll probably die before you can bring the
building down.

+++++ Note: Engineers have a special ability that'll make them more
effective against buildings and minefields. We can tackle that in the army

 4) Structural Integrity: How many times you have to hit it before it falls
down. Every time a structure fails an armor save, give it an SI counter. In
the end phase roll a d6 - if it's equal or less than the number of SI
counters, the building falls down. If a structure collapses then all units
inside are destroyed with no save.
          Light: 1
          Standard: 2
          Fort: 3

+++++ I'd give 'em more points, but a Fort has a 2+ save already. More SI
point's make 'em unkillable to the point of not worth shooting at. Add a
note that players can agree that scenario-specific buildings can have more
points, but that should be up to the players and not part of the rules.

Now we've got structure-specific rules:

Entering / exiting a structure: I propose the same 5cm cost that applies to
entering & exiting a transport. That makes it quite worthwhile to go around
a building than straight through, which is the situation we have now.

Road: Light construction. No penalty to enter or exit, the CAF and To-Hit
modifiers don't apply and you're at +1 to-be-hit while on the road. For
every 5 cm you move on a road you can move 1 more (a 20% bonus) - this
makes more sense to me than a flat bonus.

Barricades & Trenches: Light or Standard construction (depending on the
scenario) and destroyed by weapon area-of-effect. They are automaticly
destroyed by deathrollers, Gorgon blades, passing Titan / Praetorians and
Super-Heavies - anything that scours the ground. Infantry, cavalry &
vehicles must be on Advance orders to move through them, while anything
bigger (and anything in the air) can ignore them. Does not block LOS.
          Barricades: This covers razorwire, mutated thornbushes, burning tar pits
and other things that prevent you from running fast. They don't give any
to-be-hit or CAF modifiers.
          Trench: A "trench" model includes small bunkers, wire barricades and
tank traps as well as actual trenches. They hold 5 infantry stands per 10
cm piece and grant the to-be-hit and CAF modifiers.

Minefield: This isn't really a structure but it fits into this section of
the rules anyway. The standard rules are fine: Any unit that crosses a
minefield is hit on a 4+ with a -2 modifier. Titans / Praetorians &
Super-Heavies are attacked d6 times.

Bunker: Fortification but might be Standard for PDF-quality armies. Holds 2
infantry stands. Bunkers hold infantry only - something built to hold tanks
or heavy artillery is called an emplacement.

Emplacement: Fortification. Holds 2 infantry, 2 cavalry/walkers or 1 vehicle.

Stronghold: Fortification. Holds 4-6 infantry stands. They should have a
few range-25 bolters (like most Super-Heavies), and may mount one
non-plasma Titan weapon (pay for it separately). Strongholds with plasma
generators should be more expensive, may mount plasma weapons and blow up
when destroyed (2d6 radius sort of thing).

How's that for comprehensive structure rules?

One question I've got, regardless of what rules we go with: Should units
with a fixed save be allowed to use it if the building collapses on them?
Received on Tue Apr 30 2002 - 15:42:02 UTC

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