RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Necrons / Codex Escalation

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 20:15:37 -0400


As Josh the "wise" said, at least we can get new minis out of all this.
SO save you're pennies and buy when the goings hot, because after they
might not be an "epic" anymore...other than here of course.


-----Original Message-----
From: bikerbeerstud [mailto:bikerbeerstud_at_...]
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 5:10 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Necrons / Codex Escalation

Steve, I totally agree with your view on GW and the way they design
games. It's clearly done just to push product and make $$. Just
look at the turd Epic40k turned out to be. And I fear Epic
Armageddon will be more of the same. It appears that, thru fanatic,
they have realized that there are a lot more Epic fans than they had
earlier figured, and that it is time to tap us as a market. Not, as
one would believe, to put out a newer, better version of epic.

Sure, they'll sell the new version of Epic. Primarly to us long time
fans. Heck, I'll buy it (out of curiosity), but I doubt it will
attract loads of new players. So when sales fizzle, it'll get
shelved again.


--- In netepic_at_y..., Steve Kerry <steve_kerry_uk_at_y...> wrote:
> > I thumbed it through and... cried. With each new
> > codex GW is returning more and more to the horrible
> > old cheese days. The monolith, for example, is
> > equivalent of a teleporting Land Raider with a lower
> > cost. The C'tan are positively horrible.
> Yep, it's called Codex Escalation. Each army has to
> be bigger and better than the one before. It started
> back in the good ol' days of Rogue Trader (anyone else
> here old enough to remember when the Harlequins first
> came out in WD105?) and has never stopped. They plug
> the new army mercilessly, giving it better stats and
> more abilities than anyone else, and allowing it to
> sidestep numerous rules. Then six months later they
> push it aside to promote the next new army, who are
> even better and can ignore more rules. And on, and
> on, and on. Finally the whole game reaches critical
> mass, it is blatantly unplayable, and everyone who has
> been playing for more than 12 months is sick and tired
> of the whole merry-go-round. So GW brings out a new
> edition, all the old Codices (and some of the old
> minis) are tossed in the bin and it all starts again.
> At first, the game seems fairly balanced. Then a new
> update comes out, a new Codex, new minis with new
> abilities, and it all starts happening again.
> Playtesting? I don't think they bother with that any
> more. Just hype the new army to death, milk it dry,
> then move on to the next one.
> Sorry if I sound a wee bit cynical, I've been playing
> Warhammer for some 20 years now and I'm so sick and
> tired of this cycle. I don't want to buy a new army
> every six months, I just want them to leave the damned
> thing alone and stop 'improving' or 'streamlining'
> their games! NetEpic is an oasis of good ideas and
> common sense, in a sea of shortsighted corporate
> greed.
> Steve
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