> As Josh the "wise" said, at least we can get new
> minis out of all this.
Yep, that was how I always viewed E:A. I'm not
interested in their rules, I think we already have a
far better set of rules right here.
> SO save you're pennies and buy when the goings hot,
> because after they
> might not be an "epic" anymore...other than here of
> course.
There will be three phases that Epic players should
watch for:
- First release of E:A, when you might get some good
package deals;
- The drop, when GW decides they have sucked E:A dry
and go on to promote something else. Watch Ebay and
the second-hand shops for the next month or two as
people sell off their Epic stuff to pay for the next
GW fad;
- Bye-bye, when GW decides (again) that nobody likes
their Epic game and they dump all remaining stock.
Should be some real bargains at that point, but don't
delay or you could miss the last boat.
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Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 06:42:54 UTC