Re: Necrons / Codex Escalation

From: bikerbeerstud <bikerbeerstud_at_...>
Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 21:09:45 -0000

Steve, I totally agree with your view on GW and the way they design
games. It's clearly done just to push product and make $$. Just
look at the turd Epic40k turned out to be. And I fear Epic
Armageddon will be more of the same. It appears that, thru fanatic,
they have realized that there are a lot more Epic fans than they had
earlier figured, and that it is time to tap us as a market. Not, as
one would believe, to put out a newer, better version of epic.

Sure, they'll sell the new version of Epic. Primarly to us long time
fans. Heck, I'll buy it (out of curiosity), but I doubt it will
attract loads of new players. So when sales fizzle, it'll get
shelved again.


--- In netepic_at_y..., Steve Kerry <steve_kerry_uk_at_y...> wrote:
> > I thumbed it through and... cried. With each new
> > codex GW is returning more and more to the horrible
> > old cheese days. The monolith, for example, is
> > equivalent of a teleporting Land Raider with a lower
> > cost. The C'tan are positively horrible.
> Yep, it's called Codex Escalation. Each army has to
> be bigger and better than the one before. It started
> back in the good ol' days of Rogue Trader (anyone else
> here old enough to remember when the Harlequins first
> came out in WD105?) and has never stopped. They plug
> the new army mercilessly, giving it better stats and
> more abilities than anyone else, and allowing it to
> sidestep numerous rules. Then six months later they
> push it aside to promote the next new army, who are
> even better and can ignore more rules. And on, and
> on, and on. Finally the whole game reaches critical
> mass, it is blatantly unplayable, and everyone who has
> been playing for more than 12 months is sick and tired
> of the whole merry-go-round. So GW brings out a new
> edition, all the old Codices (and some of the old
> minis) are tossed in the bin and it all starts again.
> At first, the game seems fairly balanced. Then a new
> update comes out, a new Codex, new minis with new
> abilities, and it all starts happening again.
> Playtesting? I don't think they bother with that any
> more. Just hype the new army to death, milk it dry,
> then move on to the next one.
> Sorry if I sound a wee bit cynical, I've been playing
> Warhammer for some 20 years now and I'm so sick and
> tired of this cycle. I don't want to buy a new army
> every six months, I just want them to leave the damned
> thing alone and stop 'improving' or 'streamlining'
> their games! NetEpic is an oasis of good ideas and
> common sense, in a sea of shortsighted corporate
> greed.
> Steve
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Received on Mon May 06 2002 - 21:09:45 UTC

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