Re: [v5.0] Imperial revision: marines part I

From: antichrist666it <seimejote_at_...>
Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 09:19:58 -0000

--- In netepic_at_y..., <jyrki.saari_at_n...> wrote:
> It's time to start the imperial revision. The first list is the
Space marine list.
> Flamer Marines
> These marines are armed with close range flamers and excel at
assaulting the enemy within entrenched positions. Models: Tactical or
Devastator Marine models on the GW Space Marine sprue (you may add
custom weapons to Tacticals or cut out the magazine and back part of
the Devastator weapon, and add cylindrical fuel canisters to the back
of the models).

Remove them from here and made them Salamanders only. =)

> >No change
> Veterans
> These are the elite among the marines of a chapter. With their
accumulated combat expertise, Veterans are formidable warriors.
> Models: Tactical Marine and Sergeant models on the GW Space Marine
> >No change
> Terminators
> Veterans sometimes don powerful armor known as Tactical Dreadnought
Armor. These armored troops are known as Terminators and represent
the most capable infantry in any chapter.
> Models: Terminator and Tactical Marine (make sure to paint these
differently from line Tacticals) models on the GW Space Marine sprue
> >No change
> Close-Assault Terminators
> Armed with Thunder Hammers, Storm Shields, and Lightning Claws,
Close-Assault Terminators are trained to storm near-impregnable
defenses in tight quarters. Every so often, the larger battlefield
sees their presence, usually when something big needs to be dealt
with. As you might expect, these Terminators can only be purchased as
part of a Marine force. When fielded by the Dark Angels they are
called Close-Assault Deathwing, and assume the Deathwing morale
> Models: Same as above.
> >No change
> Teleported Terminators*
> Veterans sometimes don powerful armor known as Tactical Dreadnought
Armor. These armored troops are known as Terminators and represent
the most capable infantry in any chapter. Terminators can sometimes
be teleported to the battleground using rare and expensive equipment.
> The terminators may be teleported to any location chosen by the
player on the tabletop as a detachment move in any moving phase. Once
the location to teleport to is selected roll the scatter dice and 2D6
(as you would for an indirect barrage) to determine the exact arrival
point of the terminator detachment. The remaining stands are
positioned within unit coherency of the first stand placed (6 cm).
> Models: Same as above.
> >There was a discussion about this a while ago and I don't remember
any cosensus having been achieved. The question is: should a
terminator company be allowed to teleport? IMO this could be done,
but only one detachment per turn with the HQ being able to join one
detachment. The procedure should be tha same as in the Grey Knights
rules. A teleporting terminator company should definetely be a
special card; a terminator company without landraiders. Its cost
should be about the same (teleporting is powerful) but its break
point should be calculated to include the terminator stands only, so
it would be 7.

Though discussion ahead... =)

> Scouts
> Space Marine Scouts are the initiates that have yet to prove
themselves in battle. They may infiltrate after initial deployment up
to their full charge move before the battle begins. Scouts do not
wear tactical armor and thus are less protected than other Space
> Models: Scout models on the GW Space Marine sprue, or IG Tactical
models on the GW Imperial Guard sprue.
> > IMO the wording on the infiltration sould be clearer. something
like: The scouts often infiltrate the battlefield and sneak near
enemy positions to lanch surprise attacks. To represent this the
scouts get an extra move. After initial deployment but before the
battle begins the scouts may be moved up to their full charge move.

There is a discussion about putting general special abilities (like
infiltration) on the Core Rules... in this case, we can simply state
that scouts have the infiltration skill...

> In the old rules the scouts could not be moved closer than 5cm to
any enemy troops. Has this changed in some revision? I could see the
justification of letting the scouts be moved into CC with the
infiltration eg. making a surprise assault.
> Summary
> Tactical:
> Move: 10 cm
> Save: 6+
> CAF: +2
> Weapons: Bolters
> Range: 50cm
> Att. D: 1
> To Hit: 5+
> TSM: 0
> Notes:
> Assault
> Move: 15 cm
> Save: 6+
> CAF: +3
> Weapons: Pistol/Swords
> Range: 25 cm
> Att. D: 1
> To Hit: 5+
> TSM: 0
> Notes: Jump Packs

"Weapons: Pistols/Chainswords"
It's just me... :P
> Devastator
> Move: 10 cm
> Save: 6+
> CAF: +1
> Weapons: Heavy Weap.
> Range: 75cm
> Att. D: 2
> To Hit: 5+
> TSM: -1
> Notes:
> Flamer
> Move: 10 cm
> Save: 6+
> CAF: +3
> Weapons: Flamers
> Range: 25 cm
> Att. D: 1
> To Hit: 4+
> TSM: 0
> Notes: Ignore cover modifiers to hit

Simply state "To Hit: 4+ fixed" ?

> Veteran
> Move: 10 cm
> Save: 6+
> CAF: +3
> Weapons: Bolters
> Range: 50 cm
> Att. D: 1
> To Hit: 5+
> TSM: 0
> Notes: Elite

Wasn't CAF: +4 ???

> Terminator
> Move: 10 cm
> Save: 5+*
> CAF: +6
> Weapons: Storm Bolters
> Range: 35 cm
> Att. D: 2
> To Hit: 4+
> TSM: -1
> Notes: Elite

Notes should be "Notes: Elite, (Teleported)"
In parenthesys to indicate it's an option.

> Close-Assault Terminator
> Move: 10 cm
> 5+*
> CAF: +8
> Weapons: CC Weapons
> Range: -
> Att. D: -
> To Hit: -
> TSM: -
> Notes: Elite

Notes should be "Notes: Elite, (Teleported)"
as above

> Scout
> Move: 10 cm
> Save: None
> CAF:+1
> Weapons:Bolt Pistols
> Range:25 cm
> Att. D:1
> To Hit:5+
> TSM:0
> Notes: Infiltration
> >Any need to change any stats?
> Jyrki Saari
> -There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and
time is money.
Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 09:19:58 UTC

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