I haven't seen their infantry. They didn't have any
human infantry at the booth I visited. I am thinking
about ordering some too. I will tell you that their
tanks are thinner than GW and maybe not as tall but
the limited # of vehicles I had seen looked well done.
Remember we are playing 1/285th and they are 1/300th
if there is much of a difference.
--- eivind.borgeteien_at_... wrote:
> Have you seen the human infantry from Gladiator
> Games? Are they any good?
> Eivind
> >
> > Fra: darius spano <dmanspano_at_...>
> > Dato: 2002/05/06 Mon PM 01:52:50 CEST
> > Til: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
> > Emne: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: New Tyranid units
> >
> > For Tyrants use Tyranid warriors or the new
> smaller
> > carnifexes. For the Scavengers use Gladiator games
> > mini called "Bloodworms", Bloodworm infantry. They
> are
> > snake-like. I have seen them at a gaming show and
> > their tanks and bloodworm stuff is actually pretty
> > decent.
> > Darius
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Received on Tue May 07 2002 - 11:30:48 UTC