Targeting/Firing rules take a look

From: darius spano <dmanspano_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 05:04:21 -0700 (PDT)

After taking the poll for targeting HQ's and firing I
began to think if there was a fairer and more tactical
solution. We have encountered sneaky players targeting
our HQ's and spliting up fire till they killed the
desired unit and then moving to the next squad like it
was a Sunday target shoot.

The basic rule for targeting HQ's is that they must be
closest unit (almost everyone agrees). There are no
rules for spliting up fire and there should be. Range
and troop type should have something to do with this.
Usually the average trooper will fire at the nearest
target whereas an elite or HQ can be more selective.
All firing from a squad must be divided equally among
the target units (ie: 6 shots at 2 different squads =
3 shots at each squad).

Squads with 25cm or less range can only fire at the
nearest enemy squad within their weapon range and can
only fire at one enemy squad. Elites and HQ units are
not affected by this rule. Ex1: 6 Assault Marines are
charge by 2 enemy squads, A & B. A is closer so they
must fire at them and ignore B. EX2: Same as 1 except
the squad are terminators. Since they are elites they
can split their firing in half, half at A and half at

Squads with ranges of 50cm can fire at 2 different
enemy squads within their weapons range but firing
must be split up equally. Elites and HQ units may fire
at more than 2 squads but firing must be split up
equally. Ex3: IG trooper 10 stand squad has 3 emeny
squads in range, A,B & C. They can only fire at 2
squads and must split their firepower to do so or fire
everything at 1 squad. Ex4: Ork nobz 4 stands has 3
enemy squadss in range. They have a total of 8 shots.
They decide to fire at all three enemy squads, firing
must be split up (squad1)3+(squad2)3+2(squad3)=8.

Squads with ranges of 75cm or more can fire at 3
different squads within their weapons range. Elites
and HQ units may fire at more than 2 squads but firing
must be split up equally. Ex5: Devastator squads total
of 12 shots has 4 enemey squads within range. They can
only fire at 3 of them and must divide firing equally
which is 4 shots at each of the 3 enemy squads.

Vehicles/Cavalry/Walkers armed with bolters, spore
cysts and any anti-personnel weaponry with a range of
25cm or less must fire at the nearest enemy unit.
Their main weaponry can be fired normally.

Tyranid units on Instinct orders must fire at the
closest unit, as do IG out of command and orks who are
out of command and revert to their orky nature(already
in the rules).

Please give these consideration to the core rules even
though we have finished the revisions. Personally I
think they clear up firing units and more tactical
realism to the game. I am going to use them as house
rules because they clarify the shooting phase.


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