Re: [NetEpic ML] Epic Armageddon PDF file up

From: Albert Farré Benet <cibernyam_at_...>
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 21:18:09 +0200

I agree, they are indeed as simple as Blood Bowl, but I'm afraid they will be spoiled as soon they start to bring up armies (as always). I've noticed there is no Saving throw modifiers, so I expect SH tanks with 2+ Saving throw (and with no modifiers, they are like the Avatar, almost unstoppable). Though I understand they are "demo" rules, still a little smell of cheese is menacing the game. I'm not happy at all with the new rules, although everything is not SO bad.

The three best points (I DO like...)

 - Control zones
 - Simplified Barrages
 - AT/AP differentiation

The three worst points (I DON'T like...)

 - Shooting distance GREATLY reduced and splitting fire forbidden. Epic did not need any kind of modification to force CC. At least half of the killing in every battle in NetEpic (and 2nd edition SM) is due to CC. It's deadly but also useful. No army (even squats & IG) avoids entirely CC. Long distance shooting complements perfectly with CC, if it's eliminated (and with new CC rules), what was a bloodbath becomes a mess with blast markers and withdrawing units making any situation completely unpredictable. Luck is favoured against strategy and planification.
 - Stupid "Special Results" tables with random results which spoil your strategies. Madboys being unpredictable is fun. Marines, Eldar and Squats (and Slann) being unpredictable is stupid and ruins the game. Notice there's a 16% chance of getting a Special Result roll!
 - Assault rules too complex and unrealistic, firefight is nice but bast markers spoil the day. A detachment of six marines (with two blast markers due to previous turn shooting) weep out all their enemies and lose two stands ---> they are broken and forced to withdraw unless they pass an initiative test with a -2.

Just my two cents...


Note: we can make friendly bets (or worst nightmares) on which cheesy modification will appear. My first one is 2+ ST for SH, my second one Tyranid units throwing more than one dice in CC (expect close combat values of 3+ or better...)
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Peter Ramos
  Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 4:55 PM
  Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Epic Armageddon PDF file up


  They are simple, but somewhat of an improvement over epic40k, maybe not
  much, but noticeable. Unfortunately it remains to be seen if this will
  "save" epic.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Jarreas Underwood []
  Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 9:37 AM
  Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Epic Armageddon PDF file up


  Wow. Just when I was thinking that the official version of Epic couldn't
  get any worse...

  Is there any chance that we could convince them let us take a few of
  ideas (blast markers for one, there are others), let us come up with a
  playable and *PLAYTESTED* set of rules, then let them steal the entire
  Epic concept and slap a GW sticker on it? I'd actually prefer to have my
  work stolen than to let GW put out a set of rules that'll implode in


  Didn't think so. *sigh* At least we might get some descent models out of
  it. If anyone wants a more detailed response, please send me private
  - I'm not going to bother otherwise.

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Received on Sun May 26 2002 - 19:18:09 UTC

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