RE: [NetEpic ML] Epic Armageddon PDF file up

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 15:29:19 -0400


-----Original Message-----
From: darius spano [mailto:dmanspano_at_...]
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 9:55 AM
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Epic Armageddon PDF file up

The zones of control, close combat resolution,
crossfire and support fire for CC could be integrated
into Net Epic. a bit long but some ideas I have on the
subject. Some of it pulls from my limited experience
of playing Heresey.

Zones of Control: This zone may be around an objective
or an area around control by any units with an area of
20cm from them (actually 40cm). Only units that cannot
be pinned by the controller of the zone can pass
through without having to attack. Units that enter the
zone that can be pinned by the controlling forces must
either assault or fire at the controlling units. The
other option is to go around and avoid the zone. Once
a zone is contested new units entering the zone that
can be pinned must join the fray ( a landraider can
roll right through if tactical marines are duking it
out with some ork boyz--if the zone is contested it
can still roll through because the boyz can't pin it.
If it were more tacticals they would have to shoot at
the boys or CC). Control of the zone occurs when one
side outnumbers the other 2to1 in units or
retreats/falls back out of the zone.

--->The zone of control in Epic A refers to what zone a model exerts.
This could be used in net epic because when CC ensues people always want
to find a way around engaging those in front to get those in the back.
With a ZOC rule in net epic, lets say 5cm around a model, it means you
have to engage models in order to run pass them. This would solve LOTS
of headaches.

Close Combat Resolution:In Net Epic there is really no
distinct way to say hey we won combat other than
counting the casualties or units falling back. If
there are still combatants left and noone has fallen
back they there should be follow through attacks. The
consolidation would allow units who have won combat to
move up to 5cm and attack another unit that they can
pin (this includes units that were providing
supporting fire). Units that drew with the enemy would
fight another round of CC until there was a winner.
Players would alternate with surviving units and this
would repeat itself until units fallback or are

----> Agree with you there, unfortunately I have proposed quite a few
ideas around this for the last several years and they have been voted
down. The simplest one being that the loser of CC (he who lost the most
units) withdrawals 15cm and also rolls for morale. So the loser can
withdrawal and still be unbroken or fallback and be broken. Mind you not
even this one was liked, then again that was years ago.

Support Fire in CC: In Heresey your support fire
worked into the CC. In Net Epic I don't if we can do
it. For every friendly unit within 15cm of the combat
you would add 1 to the SF value. The enemy does the
same. The difference equals the CAF modifier for the
side with the most support. Of course equal support
fire negates itself (Marines assault ork boyz each
side has supporting fire. Marines have 2 and the orks
3--so 3-2=1, the Orks would receive a +1 to their CAF
bonus). Vehicle with bolters are included as SF but
units like mole mortars, thudd guns, whirlwinds
etc..(vehicles or units with no weapons other than
their maingun/mortar/launcher). A landraider or rhino
would account for SF but basilisk wouldn't for

---> Sounds good, but I had proposed rules for that too and no dice.
Again that was years ago.

Crossfire: In NetEpic we have no way to pin a model
with fire unless you have a Shokk Attack gun. If 2 or
more friendly units fire on the same enemy unit then
it must make a morale check at the end of the turn. If
it fails it will go on fallback orders for one turn
(then receive orders normally). If it passes it
receives orders normally.

--->That's pretty good too.

I've always been for making these changes, I think the game needs it,
but there has been strong resistance to it. Now you understand why I did
Heresy, so as to get all these ideas in one place.

Received on Sun May 26 2002 - 19:29:19 UTC

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