Re: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0] Army balance

From: darius spano <dmanspano_at_...>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 05:26:07 -0700 (PDT)

I think your summary is good but I can't wholly agree
on your 2 points. You are comparing "apples and
oranges". You can see that the average infantry from
army A is better/worse/same as the infantry from Army
B. That's how you make a direct comparision between
like units (apples & apples). It's more abstract
(apples & oranges)when you throw all the units
(infantry/tanks/etc..) of Army A and compare Army B.
If all armies were equal I guess it would come down to
dice rolls more than tactics. Every army I play I take
a lot of fast attack units and infantry because that
is my play style (Orks, SM, Squats (lots of bikes) and
Tyranids (infantry--swarms of it)) I forego the
artillery except for the squats (great artillery) but
I still take heaps of bikes to race to the objective
etc...How you play and use your army is important and
point costs often help direct the building of your
army. If I want a shooty army I will have fewer units
in general or if I want a fast mobile CC army it will
have a lot of infantry/cavalry and fewer armor units
but larger on the whole.
On your second point that points cost need to be
comparable and that armies have their own balance. I
kinda agree with this that each army has its own
Anyway for the summaries of the armies we need to add
the strategies for each army.
PDF: Hang on help is on the way.
SM: Quick surgical strikes aimed at grabbing key
objectives and holding onto them.
IG: Pound the crap out of them there's more of us than
Eldar: Very fast strikes that can keep moving.
(their artillery lacks range but is quite good. The
Wave serpent is a dual role unit artillery/transport).
Orks: Go!Go!Go! Large attack formations that warm
Chaos: Keep on moving towards objectives and the
Squats: Pound'em from afar and clean up with bikes &
Tyranids: Keep on moving towards the enemy and make
sure to deny him the objectiives. Swarms.
Slann: Go for objectives while laying down suppressing
firewith superior fire power.
Hey, I don't care about the numbers I just like
talking about the armies.

 it dead on, "the uniqueness of each army"
> >makes the comparision difficult.
> >
> >darius spano
> Ok, two points and what I think about it.
> One, you can't just compare infantry with infantry,
> armor with armor and so
> on. Unless your opponent is playing an all-infantry
> game, your infantry
> will be facing more than infantry - they'll be
> facing tanks and artillery
> as well. Point values need to be comparable between
> all units in an army.
> Two, a while back I posted about how each army has
> it's own balance, so
> unit costs can be evaluated independently of which
> army they belong to.
> Things like Chain of Command and Hive Mind Radius
> affect *how* a unit may
> be used - it doesn't affect the unit's weapons,
> armor or other abilities.
> An army "flavor" may limit the types of units
> available (like Tyranids and
> artillery) but that sparceness doesn't limit the
> available unit's
> effectiveness.
> For example, Ork Boyz are limited by proximity to
> Nobz. This limits how
> they can move, and thus limits the army. On the
> other hand, an Ork army
> gets Mekboy Custom Repair Cards - this increases the
> effectiveness of the
> army. Neither the Nobz limit nor the Mekboy Cards
> change how effective the
> Ork tanks are in combat.
> If an army as a whole is balanced, unit costs
> shouldn't depend on the army
> - they should depend on the unit's stats, which is
> what's used in my
> analysis. So here's my listing of army advantages &
> limitations. Feel free
> to comment, but please *give a reason* for your
> comment. Better yet,
> suggest alternatives to things you find
> objectionable. Thanks.
> -Yar
> +++++ Army Advantages <=> Disadvantages
> Every army is unique. The fundamentals are the same
> - company, support &
> special cards, for instance - but how they're put
> together and how they
> function on the battlefield varies widely. Sometimes
> these differences
> limit the army, such as the Hive Mind Radius, and
> sometimes they're useful,
> such as Mekboy Kustom Repair Cards. These advantages
> and disadvantages
> should, in general and in the long run, balance each
> other out. If you
> think that the army is unbalanced because of their
> bonus or penalty, say so
> and let's find alternatives.
> Note: I'm staying away from Titans. I'll analyze
> just about everything
> else, but units with a Hit Location Template have
> too many special rules.
> The weapons can be broken down, and perhaps the hull
> cost extrapolated from
> that, but I'm leaving that for someone else.
> Especially when you consider
> trying to analyze the damage resistances of Gargants
> and Bio-Titans... ugh.
> +++++
> Planetary Defense Force:
> Good: cheap hordes of infantry, free fortifications
> & Objectives, may
> change terrain around
> Bad: poor quality infantry, lousy morale, Chain of
> Command, must completely
> set up before opponent
> Imperial Guard:
> Good: best well-rounded army in terms of support
> available - large groups
> of average infantry, excellent cavalry & artillery,
> pretty good choice of
> tanks
> Bad: Chain of Command
> Space Marines:
> Good: armor save for basic infantry, highly mobile
> transports, 2+ morale
> Bad: no Super-Heavies,
> Titan Legions:
> Good: Imperator Titan, Titans as Support Cards,
> Battle Groups (optional)
> Bad: Titans are expensive, poor choices of non-Titan
> support
> Eldar:
> Good: free cards, free Avatar, WRH vastly
> under-priced, Skimmer
> Super-Heavies that can do Pop-Up attacks
> Bad: small detachments, lousy artillery, Titans are
> fragile if the enemy
> has artillery
> Ork:
> Good: Mekboy Kustom Repair Cards, best tanks in the
> game, cheap hordes of
> infantry, funky stuff that can score instant kills
> on anything
> Bad: Nob command radius, funky stuff that sometimes
> kills you
> Chaos:
> Good: Chaos Cards, incredibly good core units
> (Greater Daemons)
> Bad: poor long-range troops, limited support
> selections
> Squats:
> Good: cheap Praetorians, high Break Points,
> longest-range artillery in the
> game
> Bad: more victory points awarded for breaking
> infantry (if you can)
> Tyranid:
> Good: Hive Mind Cards, vicious bio-Titans, good core
> unit (Dominatrix)
> Bad: Hive Mind radius, poor troop choices other than
> infantry, infantry and
> more infantry
> Slaan:
> Good: No idea.
> Bad: No idea.

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