RE: [NetEpic ML] Poll results for netepic

From: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 17:15:29 -0400

>Hold your horses! This will make a huge impact on the game! My experience is
>that a combined army is much more difficult to beat than a straight army.
>Near impossible if you are fielding a straight army yourself.

You're right - a combined army is usually more effective than a straight
army. "I'll take a Wind Rider Host, a Squat biker guild and Praetorian, and
PDF Infantry, please." It's a house rule where I play, and I've heard
similar comments from several others. That's why I wondered if anyone else
wanted army-building restrictions - turns out a lot of folks did.

>And besides that; I thought every poll here where to
>decide if the rule was going in as optional?

Nope - the options were "core", "optional" and "no restrictions". 67% voted
that a restriction be part of the core rule, so that's the way I called it.
There wan't much in the way of discussion when I put up the poll, either,
so I figured no one really cared. If you'd like to bring the topic back,
feel free.
Received on Tue Jun 11 2002 - 21:15:29 UTC

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