RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0]Iron Hands

From: <jyrki.saari_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 12:57:18 +0300

> > While Blood Angels have a reputation of ferocity and savageness the
> Iron Hands have a reputation of complete ruthlessness, lack of mercy
> and burning hatred. Any morale checks made when fighting against Iron
> Hands receive a -1 modifier.
> This sounds new to me... where you got this fluff?

WD262, with a little of my own moulding. They don't get this benefit in 40k, but with fluff descriptions of "entire populations of rebel planets" rising against the corrupt officials when they heard of the coming of Iron Hands and Iron Hands summarily executing one in three citizens in terrible mass-cleansing campaigns it really seemed appropriate.

> Sounds good... I'll come back later with some other units... :P
> Don't you think IH chars (like the Iron Father) should have a 6+
> regeneration save due to their bionics?

This could be an option. At least veterans and terminators should be considered, since the mechanization of Iron Hands increases with age.

> And the possibility for the
> chapter to field at least Basilisks?

I thought of this. With their close ties to Adeptus Mechanicus and reverence to machines this wouldn't be so far-fetched. However, the Basislisks would definetely be a special card.

Jyrki Saari

-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is money.
Received on Thu Jun 13 2002 - 09:57:18 UTC

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