RE: [NetEpic ML] Poll results for netepic

From: <jyrki.saari_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:28:42 +0300

> Aaaaand, i know the FB (and literature) antipathy between Elf
> and Dwarf, but
> is there really any fluff explaining any hostility in the 40k
> universe?
> Other than the usual "get orrrf moi laaand!" clashes. I can't
> think of any.

Yes there is. When Squat homeworlds were invaded by a nice chap called Grunhag the flayer the Squats asked their Eldar trading partners for help. The Eldar did nothing and just sat idle when Squats fought. The Squats still remember this betrayal and while there's usually no outright violence the situation is somewhat akin to the Cold War with both sides watching each other through gunsights.

> I personally like putting together flexible armies that
> aren't designed
> specifically for one opponent. Saying things like Eldar or
> Squats will only
> ally with another army when faced with Chaos makes the idea of allies
> useless to me cos i can't include them if i'm not necessarily
> gonna be up
> against that specific army.
> Sam.

Jyrki Saari

-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is money.
Received on Fri Jun 14 2002 - 05:28:42 UTC

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