Re: [NetEpic ML] Epic A: should we say someting?

From: Tom Webb <tom.webb_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 09:00:15 +0100

A group letter is the way to go, if we don't warn them then we as much to
blame as the GW team. At least if they ignore us then we know that we


"Peter Ramos" <primarch_at_...> on 15/07/2002 21:03:13

Please respond to

To: <>
cc: (bcc: Tom Webb/UK/INTEGRIS_EU)

Subject: [NetEpic ML] Epic A: should we say someting?


There has been a flurry of discontent on the GW forums (as well as
others) towards the direction epic is taking with the rules in
development. These voices are not the usual complaints that we are more
than used to, but there are also actual store owners repudiating Epic A
since they perceive it to be an "epic 40k" spin off and thus a failure
in the making.

I have spoken to a lot of senior members on messenger as well as e-mail
and it's easy to say that despite the initial enthusiasm for Epic A,
most after trying the demo rules aren't exactly thrilled with it. As we
me, a lot of you have just "dropped" the subject and have moved on to
other projects (like our revision for example). Those who have sent
"feedback" have done so politely and "tongue in cheek". Many (like me)
haven't even bothered with the so called "feedback".

My question to the group is should the net epic group send a "group"
letter to Fanatic pretty much expressing that "this is not the way to
go" or should we just continue to ignore the subject as up to now?

Before submitting any ideas on how to do this I want to hear from the
group on the merit of doing this as well as the futility of doing this.
Once I get a view on opinions I'll decide whether or not to bother.


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