RE: [NetEpic ML] psy power vs unit in close combat

From: <nils.saugen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 08:50:50 +0200


Here's another dilemma that I ran into while playing against Slann with

I charged a group of advanceing Slann hvy. mechs with a squad of jetbikes.
Attacking 2 of the mechs with 2 stands and the third with one stand. The
Slann mechs was acompanied by a Slann mage in a hvy mech. My opponent used
this command mech to fire into the melee, since jetbikes can't pin mechs. He
even used the flamer template carefully placeing it so that it didn't touch
his own model, but covered the jetbike stand in cc wit his mech. In this
manner he was able to save 1 or 2 (I can't remember) of his mechs from
beeing destroyd in the CC.

Is it a legal move?

This is actually a double question first off is it ok to fire into this CC
using "normal" weapons, secondly is there any difference with regards to the
use of template weapons!!!

Thirdly how about neuro disruptor missiles, they do not harm Slann troops in
any way, should Slann therefore be able to fire the on themselves. For
instance in an attemt to hamper the CC ability of opposing players???


PS: I still managed to win the battle.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
Sent: 9. september 2002 02:08
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] psy power vs unit in close combat


I have run into this "dilemma" regarding eldritch storm before. The
answer is that the target units in case of eldritch storm may not suffer
"damage", but are affected negatively (as in losing the ability to act)
and thus is considered an attack. Just because an attack doesn't result
in elimination of a model it doesn't mean it is not an "attack". The use
of eldritch storm in your example (which I have seen many times) is
ILLEGAL. There is no distinction in epic between an attack that
eliminates a model and one that doesn't, they are both attacks and thus
non-cold blooded armies cannot involve as targets their units in such an
attack. You can't use eldritch storm to attack your own units engaged
with enemy units to save them just because the attack is non-lethal,
regardless of no casualty loss. It's an attack and thus not a legal ploy
in this case.


-----Original Message-----
From: Zerloon [mailto:zerloon_at_...]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 2:21 PM
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] psy power vs unit in close combat

At 14.07 30/08/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>Non- cold blooded armies cannot target their own troops. Although
>Eldritch storm does not technically "kill" the target it is still an
>attack and therefore can not be used in that context. So the answer to
>number 2 is NO>
>Your first question is somewhat ambiguous, but generally you can't
>target a unit that is pinned in close combat. But note some powers are
>specifically for use in close combat thus they might be used. So the
>answer is "maybe". I need a more specific example to answer.

I disagree, at least for Eldritch Storm, that not only don't kill, but
even harm the unit hit.
I used it to save a detachment from sure death in Close combat (I place
template and of course the units scatter and divide, so they don't make
close combat)... Is somethink like the warlock see the detachment in
and "conceal" it in a Storm of unharmful energy.

Please let me know!!

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