[NetEpic ML] Re: Eldar Unicorn

From: AntiChrist <seimejote_at_...>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 16:42:04 -0000

This should finally stop someone using it as an oversized buggy...
just because "it's not written on the rules" <groan>.

It's amazing how many stupid questions someone have to ask just
because it's not written on the rules... though I'm sure "Use your
common sense" is surely written somewhere...

--- In netepic_at_y..., <jarreas_at_m...> wrote:
> Personally, I think *all* Eldar vehicles should be skimmers, 'cause
once you
> have anti-grav technology it's stupid to not use it.
> As for the Unicorn, it should be a skimmer: it's a Vibro-Cannon
mounted on a
> Falcon.
> -Yar
Received on Mon Oct 21 2002 - 16:42:04 UTC

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