Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] Tank Shock

From: Albert Farré Benet <cibernyam_at_...>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 00:02:37 +0100

OK, but no multiple attacks penalty then. Two dice plus CAF vs two dice plus CAF.

In the previous example, the Stormhammer just crosses Chaos cultist line at max speed to ram the greater daemon. Wether a cultist gets on the way or not, doesn't change anything...unless that (crazy) cultist manages to throw the grenade through the small joint near the engine cooler and then rebounds inside the cockpit and then rebounds again in the ammo case...and then (finally) BANG!!! but probably he'll just manage to morf into chaos cultist jelly under the tank tracks...

In this last case I wouldn't apply multiple attackers bonus to greater daemon, since that was not a CC round but a (suicidal) try to stop the tank, and the tank crew really take a passive role in contrast when fighting two opponents at once.

The idea of moving the stands 1 or 2 cm aside is exactly what I meant.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: AntiChrist
  Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 11:22 PM
  Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: [v5.0] Tank Shock

  Mmmmm... maybe Albert is right.

  I agree with him (units moving freely through other units of 2+
  pinning classes lower, without the smaller units losing anything),
  but IMHO, we can leave the heroic attack (is an option, anyway) ;)

  Leave NetEpic tank-shocking to deat-roller units.

  --- In netepic_at_y..., <jarreas_at_m...> wrote:
> > with a single unit you can inmobilise
> > a lot of detachments, because if the troop
> > stand gets out of the way(and looses
> > orders for the turn), his detachment
> > cannot break coherency and must keep
> > close, thus unable to charge.
> You're right - that would make the tactic unreasonable. How about a
> that has a model move out of the way doesn't lose it's orders - the
> under attack just moves out of the attacker's path (a centimeter or
  two at
> most).
> > I would only allow "killing
> > runs" to units with deathrollers (or
> > simillar) and tunnellers
> Hm. You're right here, also. Deathrollers should be special, but
  Titans vs.
> infantry should be just as godawful effective.
> Tank Shock: Hits on 4+ with TSM 0
> Deathroller: Hits on 3+ TSM -1
> What do you think?
> -Yar

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Received on Tue Dec 03 2002 - 23:02:37 UTC

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