RE: [NetEpic ML] Opinions of Proxy Infantry...

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 18:17:47 -0400


Thanks for the input. Once the Tyranid revision comes around we
definitely need to add more units. They have a very small army list and
there are enough proxies around to make good units for them. I'll keep
them in mind when the time comes.

By the way, if you can please make a battle report of you game with
Hellreich, it's been a while since we had one.

Darius is one of the few on this list that has actually seen the
"primarch's" collection in person and has affirmed my level of insanity.

My quest for one million net epic points continues....


-----Original Message-----
From: darius spano [mailto:dmanspano_at_...]
Sent: 26 December 2002 11:40
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Opinions of Proxy Infantry...

The Hardkill line by Gladiator has some nice
engineering tanks that would suit perfectly for a
Gorgon tank/troop transport. I too am looking forward
to the Zynthians. I like the bloodworms but don't have
any. I think they would make good proxies for Raveners
for the Tyranids but we haven't made those units yet.
I also have the GZG Starship trooper bug that makes
for a great mini-heirodule that I would class as
super-heavy. They also have a 6mm version of this bug
which would work geat as a chomper bug for the
tyranids. We need more bugs. If you are looking for
Tau proxies use the Kra'Vak from GZG. I also use some
of their troops w/hvt weapons for devastators. GZG are
one of my favorites. For proxies I would look at GZG
NSL PA troopers DSM-128 for Slann Temple guards. I
bought these by mistake but I like them. I love
proxies which will help me reach my goal of 50-70K of
points in various armies (SM, Orks, Squats, SoB and
tyranids). Peter I saw your stash and I think you
have the most Net Epic units on earth. There is no way
I will ever catch you. Hellreich and I are going to
have a game this weekend. I will put up a match
report. It will be his Space wolves vs. Bugs. Maybe
some pics too.
--- Maksim-Smelchak <max200_at_...> wrote:
> Peter,
> Here are my opinions:
> OGRE: Very cool pieces scaled at around 8mm (bigger
> than most Epic). They
> pretty much all look the same so they need good
> paintjobs to differentiate
> them. Some of the newer sets come with heavy weapons
> (a missile launcher and
> a support cannon) that are very nifty.
> BATTLETECH: I have Davion, Kurita, and Elementals
> from the old Ral Partha
> line and they are very cool although scaled larger
> than Epic around 8mm
> (bigger than most Epic).
> IRREGULAR: These are plain-Jane figures (the sci-fi
> ones) although
> outstanding value for the price. I scale them at
> around 6mm even though
> they're pretty blobby (Look fine next to Epic if
> much less detailed and, of
> course, blobby). I bought mine second-hand so I'm
> not sure which figures are
> which code. I like them though.
> SCOTIA: The power armor guys are outstanding. The
> rest of them are very
> structurally weak, but neat-looking. I built the
> marines and guys I believe
> to be "combat rangers in envirosuits," which look
> pretty neat. Again, I
> bought mine second-hand so I'm not sure which
> figures are which code. A bad
> part about Scotias is that they have a lot of
> casting errors (missing detail
> from thin parts of the hold like hands, arms, and
> legs). I scale them around
> 6mm and they look just fine next to most Epic
> figures.
> GZG: They guys even have round bases that fit really
> well into plastic Epic
> bases. They're scaled around 6 to 7mm and look fine
> with most Epic pieces
> although they're pretty expensive (most packs have
> around 48 figures with
> bases although I don't remember how many exactly).
> The variety of pieces is
> outstanding considering that it's pretty hard to
> make huge differentiation
> in 6mm scale.
> Alternative Armies: I like their figures the best
> out of the many proxies
> available even though they made a very short run of
> 6mm figures (very hard
> to find used or even new). Some of their "marines"
> look the praetorian guard
> from "Return of the Jedi." I'll have to send in the
> pictures. If anyone is
> interested, I have contact information to order them
> (have to order special
> since they're no longer on catalogue).
> In addition, I have a lot of microarmor infantry
> (H&R/Navwar, GHQ, C&C,
> Irregular, etc.) that are well worth seeing. Ralph
> AKA Legion-4 recommends
> using microarmor figures for Inperial Guard. I quite
> agree. My Jordanians
> (complete with Keffiyeh AKA head wrap) look great as
> Tallarns (So do the
> Egyptians for that matter).
> Cheers and Shalom,
> Maksim-Smelchak.
> P.S.
> I started basing all of my infantry on 10mmx40mm or
> 20mmx20mm bases after
> Epic-40k came out. I never liked Spearhead basing
> (1&1/4x1&1/4" squares)
> anyway. At worst, I temporarily hotglue my Epic
> bases on MSH squares until I
> stop playing Spearhead. Since I mostly play Epic,
> Dirtside II, and OGRE,
> Epic-basing works fine for me. I uses US pennies
> also.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2002 2:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Photos of Proxies...
> Hi!
> That would be great! I would also use them for the
> proxy library. I am
> particularly interested in the infantry if you have
> them.
> What's you're opinion on these lines?
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Maksim-Smelchak [mailto:max200_at_...]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2002 6:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Photos of Proxies...
> Peter,
> I like the idea of your advanced technology army
> although it sounds a little
> like Necrons only not so evil. I have OGRE, Scotia,
> Irregular miniatures and
> a digital camera so I'll have to take some pictures
> of them for you. E-mail
> me at max200_at_... to nag me tomorrow and I'll
> do it. Some are built
> and some are not.
> Enjoy your holiday and Shalom,
> Maksim-Smelchak.

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