Re: [NetEpic ML] Just a silly question...or not

From: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 08:34:49 -0500 (EST)

>Why does a titan which charges 50 cm get a -1 to hit from enemies?

This harkens back to the days of Adeptus Titanicus, when there were only titans and nothing else. The Warhound was the smallest & fastest so the game made it harder to hit than the other titans. Relative to the game system at the time, it made sense and allowed the smaller units the ability to survive while they charged into melee.

Now, however, you've got skimmers that move 70 cm on a charge and ignore terrain. Tiny little things no larger than a Buick moving how many hundreds of klicks per second, and they're easier to hit than a veritable mountain? *ahegh-hem* Sorry - my disbelief-o-meter just pegged. Anyone else?

On the other hand, if we lower the Warhound survivability against other titans, that disrupts game balance in a titan-vs-titan fight. Perhaps we can give the Warhound a "-1 to be hit by other titans" instead? I dunno - I'll have to play with the numbers for a bit, but I'm guessing the easiest solution would be to just remove the bonus.

>that would mean changing the CC core ruleset I didn't meant that, nooo... ZAPZAPZAP!

How dare you! Heretic! Blasphemer! As if I'm not doing that enough all by myself - you want to join in!? What do you think this is, a group effort or something?!

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Received on Fri Mar 14 2003 - 13:34:49 UTC

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