Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Core rules Deep Reading (long)

From: darius spano <dmanspano_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 15:39:41 -0800 (PST)

I just wanted to check the ally rules. I have to nice
size space marine armies (Ultra Marines and generic
Marines). I f I play them together would one army have
to constitute 75% of the force and the other 25% or
could I split them any way I wish. I understand if it
is Space Wolves or Dark Angels because they in
themselves have a lot of different/special units like
the Raven Wing, death Wing, long fangs etc...
My other question is a house rule we pplay whereas
after CC is resolved you are allowed to move survivors
into combat with enemy survivors who are 1 cm away.
This cuts down on some of the Adv. Firing of some of
the more shooty armies. If they are that close then
they are in CC technically for the next turn.
--- AntiChrist <seimejote_at_...> wrote:
> I've always played that transports and carried
> troops share the same
> activation (this permits to embark, move and
> disembark troops in the
> same turn, too).
> Even if transports and carried troops belong to
> different units, they
> share the same activation the turn they "interact".
> Just my 0.02�.
> --- In, "Albert Farr� Benet"
> <cibernyam_at_h...>
> wrote:
> > > 2B) Transports and carried units on with the
> same orders are
> still two
> > activations.
> > >
> >
> > --> I always understood that carried troops and
> transports from the
> same
> > detachment were given only one order counter.
> Later on it was
> admitted the
> > possibility to give separate orders to both, but
> still you could
> give only
> > one order to the same detachment. Indeed, I always
> played assuming
> that a
> > mechanized detachment with only one order counter
> was activated all
> > together, carried units plus transports.
> >
> > Perhaps we can accept that transports + troops
> from the same
> detachment can
> > be activated together if only one order counter is
> placed for both
> (as in
> > 2nd ed). I think is fair, your opponent knows that
> anything inside
> the
> > transport would have the same orders as it, and
> you get to deploy
> both
> > troops and transport at once
> >
> > Of course, if the transports and the troops are
> two separate units
> (e.g.
> > squat berserkers + rhinos) they are forced to have
> two order
> counters and
> > thus, be activated separately. This represents the
> difference
> beetwen a
> > trained mobile force, really used to operate
> almost always with
> vehicles
> > (SM) from another force that occasionaly uses
> transports (Goff) and
> lacks
> > that fast coordination beetwen transport and
> troops (well, in the
> end,
> > coordination is not *probably* in any Goff
> dictionary)
> >
> > Albert

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Received on Thu Mar 20 2003 - 23:39:41 UTC

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