Agree in toto with Tom. This is the reason I've put my codexes in the
5.0 area: more things to discuss for the mailing list.
Come on, we all know all is "unofficial" until _at least_ one year,
and will be unofficial even after the final codexes will hit the
shelv... err, the file section.
There are tons of house rules, different interpretations and such...
for now it's just "pick that and test it", until we'll have a final
version of everything.
Every change was and will be discussed... I see no problems too.
--- In, "NetEpic Webmaster" <webmaster_at_n...>
> I think Yarr is doing a great job, and there are several points
that he will
> get round to raising eventually, development by discussion group
needs to be
> structured, and so far Netepic 5 has been. Yarr will put up his
trail books
> before the races revision, we get to read and go through them in
depth and
> then the discussion starts, forewarned we are able to put forward
> and raise points that otherwise might have been missed.
> I am all for this format, and think that although it creates a lot
of extra
> work for Yarr (for which we are all grateful) allows the
development of
> NetEPIC to proceed in a much more orderly fashion.
> As long as every change is discussed eventually, I see no problem
with this
> approach.
> Tom Webb
> Webmaster of the EPICentre - Home of
Netepic, EPIC:
> Armageddon, VOID and Heresy
Received on Mon Apr 14 2003 - 14:31:20 UTC