Re: [NetEpic ML] NetEPIC Gold Fluff

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 17:19:01 -0400

gambit_at_... wrote:

>What pieces do you need Primarch? And do you want some kind of a
>continuing story in the linked pieces of fluff? Like in the Mordheim
>rulebook, or just random fluff pieces like in Epic:A.
>I will also do a paragraph for each army, and some unit specific
>fluff bits as well. We could do with a list.
>My suggestion:
>Continuing story - The adventures of an Inquistitor
>One piece for each army
>Unit specific fluff - just list the units you want doing, eg:
>Marine Scouts (Boarding a hive ship)
>Terminators (Fighting genestealers on a hulk - it is a classic, or
>even make the hulk a lost and the damned monstrosity).
>Exarchs (The making of an Exarch)
>Kult of Speed (Bike boyz attack on a squat stronghold)

I agree with your suggestions. Thats the style of the old AT books which
i favor.

If you can handle this part of the project I would appreciate it greatly.

Just send me whatever stories you got and I'll archive them.

Received on Mon Feb 02 2004 - 21:19:01 UTC

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