Necron Self-repair

From: Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 19:08:21 -0500 (EST)

As it is now it's both less powerful as regular Regeneration (Necrons can't regen from Close Combat), and more powerful (a single 4+ roll gets 'em up no matter how many wounds they've suffered). The origional Regeneration was modified to include the option of continuing to fire at downed models, so I've a couple of questions:

Should Self-repair function exactly as Regeneration? This means keeping track of each wound and rolling for them all separately, just like with Trolls and the big Tyranids. A single 4+ roll makes Necrons incredibly resistant to damage, and this may or may not be a desired effect.

Should Self-repair work in Close Combat? Regular Regeneration does, so restricting Self-repair would make Necrons a by-necessity shooty army. Again, this may or may not be desireable.

I guess the question boils down to: do we want Necrons to have Regeneration, or a new special ability called Self-repair that has different rules?

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Received on Sat Mar 06 2004 - 00:08:21 UTC

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