: NetEpic 5 : First Impression part 2 : Army Composition

From: Toma Diener <peyoterattle_at_...>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 12:00:47 -0000

Ok. Stage Set.

Brian arrived after I had set up the Terrain: I had several new
pieces I was dying to show off ( 1>a Maiden World WorldTree, 2> a
WaerpGate, and 3>a JadeDragon statue of the Cosmic Serpent (since
Bryan plays Saim Hann when he plays Eldar, this seemed apprapos).

Because of these Items we determined the Scenario was this:

   An Eldar Maiden world, sparsely populated by Exodites (if any
Exodites are present at all...) but nonetheless used as a Spiritual
Retreat for Purification Rituals by SaimHann after fighting Chaos, is
threatened by a newly Wagh-ed Waaaaaggghhh of Orkses. The CraftWorld
of Purim...

  (my Ancient and Worthy CraftWorld of Purim is based on a Paint
scheme I discovered when Eldar originally came out; it looks better
than it should have considering how 'beginner-ey' my skills were in
1990. Their Shctick is devotion to the MaidenWorlds in a
self-appointed Protectorate role; their specialy ability is a slightly
higher presense of Harlequins than yer average CraftWorld)

...having seen the Signs of a Defilement of a Maiden's Honor by a
Rampaging Brute, challenges that Brute to a Duel (LOL)!!

...Because of the Late Hour, and because of all the "Store Wierdness"
previously discussed, and because I had not thoroughly read 5.0, and
because we had not yet printed 5.0 Army Cards.....
 (Yikes! can you see where this is headed...?)
......we determined to use 2nd ed Cards and adjust Points Values to
5.0 standards. A good compromise at the Time because it allowed us
to choose Forces and set up in about 45 minutes. In Retrospect: The
extra Hour to set-up to 5.0 standards might have been a good investment!!

the Eldar Protectorate was composed of the Following Forces:

1) 500 pts- one Spirit Host
            (Looking at the list Now: Alaitoc Only?!? oOOops!!!
                   When did That happen???)
    a) no support cards
    b) Free - the Avatar Special Card:
2) 850 pts -one Eldar WarHost supported by:
    a) 300pts-two DoomWeaver cards,
    b) 400pts-two Warp Huntah cards
    c) 500pts-one Tempest squad
and d) 400 pts-Special Card Harlequin Troupe (Exarchs)
     ( I totally messed up by taking Exarchs with no Aspect cards: I
fortunately caught my own Mistake on the first turn, and we changed
'em to Harlequins mid battle: Brian graciously let it go with this
3) 550 pts-JetBike Host supported by
    a) 300pts-two Wave Serpent cards
and b) 150pts-Special Card Harlequin Troupe
( Looking now, I see I also messed up on my Harlequin choices...they
are no longer a Special Card but an Allied Army...HmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmm)

the CraftWorld also deemed it needful to dispatch their Pride and Joy:

4) one Phantom Titan Squadron supported by
      a) one Warlock Titan special card

Titan 1 "Father"
         2 Pulsars 2 las-wings
Titan 2 "Mother"
         2 Pulsars 2 las-wings
Titan 3 "Younger Brother"
         1 Tremor-Cannon arm, one Power Fist, 2 MslWings
Warlock Titan "GrandFather"
          2 PsiCannons, 2 MslWings

All together a Balanced Force as we in our group calculate Balance: no
great Strengths, no great weknesses...I thought very hard about the
Tempest Squadron, but with my recent whinging on the subject, I
figured it would be hypocritical to take in so small a Game.

The Titans were ( I thought) very well Armed. I wish now I had taken
"Younger Sister" and "Middle Sister" (two VibroCannons each)

Retro-spectively: Mistakes were Made!!!

I've gotta make the Kids breakfast, so : Bryan- Post your Army
composition will you???

ReB T'oma
Memetic Engineer Knight Kodesh
Head Designer, Wabi-Sabi Games
"If It's Wabi-Sabi, its Shabui Sho' 'Nuff!!"

-- In netepic_at_yahoogroups.com, "Toma Diener" <peyoterattle_at_y...> wrote:
> Hello All!
> Mr. Dean and I played our First Official Game using our newly Printed
> HardCopy version of the NetEpic 5 rulebook.
> The game was....Interesting!
> Subject to several odd difficulties having very little to do with the
> actual Game, we nonetheless had a very enjoyable 'learning game'.
> Difficulties we encountered not related to the Rules included:
> 1) We began the game substantially later than planned: rather than
> Starting at our usually appointed time of Noon, we did not actually
> begin rolling dice until closer to 4PM. Since we prefer "Big Games"
> in our circle, this was problematic at best..
> 2) I am of the School of Thought that prefers an incredible amount of
> Terrain on the Table: Brian has grown to accept this Idiosyncracy of
> mine, but there is no Doubt he would have preferred a less complicated
> Layout (pictures to follow)
> 3) I insisted that we play at our Regular Store (Brian wisely
> suggested we play at His House; My feeling is that every Game should
> be Public in order to increase awareness of NetEpic in the Houston
> area. Again: he kindly agreed to my wishes in this matter). Because
> we played in our Local Store, the game was subject to digression as we
> greeted Friends, and explained NetEpic to interested Bystanders.
> (This I feel was a -very- Positive thing: we planted "seeds of
> interest" in at least three MechClix players to investigate the Slaan
> Army. We also discovered at least three of our Friends had been Epic
> Players in the past, and may play again in the future: my sense is
> that I will be bringing multiple Armies in the future for 'loaner'
> purposes. We also discovered at least three young 40K players who had
> never really seen Epic beore: attracted by the Gorgeous Paint Brian
> and I have on our Armies, at least one is interested in looking at
> Epic Tau: Poor Kid!)
> With any Luck, we might have a Full NetEpic League by this time next
> year.
> Problems associated With the new RuleBook-
> 1) Because of the new Layout, certain tasks were slower. Brian and I
> have played enough 3.2 to know _exactly_ what page and paragraph a
> given rule is on should we need to access it. The New Book will take
> a little getting used to before it becomes that 'intuitive. Ditto the
> new Weapon summaries: although organized to allow quick reference and
> well organized, it is New to us: it often took 2-3 times as long as it
> should to locate a given Statistic. We took extra time to look at
> each unit and weapon to integrate any revised weapon modifications we
> may not have used previously ( on the _positive_ side: the 'NetEpic 5
> Lite' is absolutely a Perfect TableTop 'quick reference guide').
> 2) Although I remembered to copy and laminate enough color-coded
> Titan DataCards for our game, I didn't think far enough ahead to make
> and laminate color-coded Army Summary sheets: D'Oh! This, I believe,
> is essential for future games: We spent far too much time trying to
> figure out where we had placed the generic looking white paper
> summaries. A color-coded Army DataFax is such an easily made game
> aide, I'm strongly of the Opinion it should be suggested in the Rules
> somewhere- (We didn't have time or money this time to print out
> NetEpic 5 Army Cards, which would have accomplished the same objective)
> 3) This is really the First time we used the correct methodology of
> building Titans: the pen and paper method (actually Laminated Card and
> WhiteBoard pens) slowed our start of the Game: neither of us had time
> to prepare our Armies before arriving at the Venue, and this added
> step felt "clunky"
> (I have a Suggestion: what about creating Titan Weapon Cards
> similair in size and composition to the Ork MekBoy, Tyranid and Chaos
> Cards? They could consist of the Cost and a Basic Summary of the
> Weapon's Abilities. This would streamline the Titan Creation system,
> making it more similair to the Army Creation process. It would also
> add an extra layer of bricolage to the game, so it should be optional
> IMO. I think it is a worthy addition, moreso because it would give an
> harmonic echo of the original pre-printed Titan Cards from 1st ed
> Adeptus Titanicus. Unless of course this already been thought of and
> done...?)
> OK: that's an overview of the Situation we played in: posts to
> Follow will examine the Scenario, Army Composition, and Turn-by-Turn
> analysis...)
> ReB T'oma
> Memetic Engineer Knight Kodesh
> Head Designer, Wabi-Sabi Games
> "If It's Wabi-Sabi, its Shabui Sho' 'Nuff!!"
Received on Mon Apr 11 2005 - 12:00:47 UTC

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