Zoats : Do we Have 'em? I forget....

From: Toma Diener <peyoterattle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 11:47:31 -0000

   Zoats are kinda important to me: Do we have Stats for 'em?
These models were suggested on the other Epic List & they look 'Right':


  In my personal take on the Tyranids; Zoats are the 'Progenitor
Species' of Tyranids, and the Hive Mind was an unexpected consumptive
Fall-Out parallel and similair to the Birth of Slaanesh and the Fall
of the Eldar.

(I've actually developed a good chunk of Fluff-Apocrypha {based on 1st
and 2nd ed Fluff} that says the Zoats and Slaan were the First 40K
Milieu Cognitive Species: eg the "Old Ones". {...I did say it was
Apocryphal...and I know 3rd ed & 40KIV fluff sort of invalidates it...}.
    They engaged in Cosmic WarFare similair to the Vorlons and Shadows
of Babylon 5, or the Mystics and Skeksis of the Dark Crystal. {If you
have ever read Bruce Sterling's cyberpunk Classic 'Schismatrix', it
follows the lines of his "Shaper" vs "Mechanist" conflicts}, Thus:

x {Tyranids(Warp Bio-Organics)}
= Hive Mind]


-{Necrontyr(Warp Bio-Mechanics)}


{Creation of Warp Conciousnesses and the Birth of the 40K milieu}

Anyway: the Point is, I've got a 'Soft Spot' for Zoats...

(mumbles from the crowd "Yeah: right in the Middle of his ForeHead!)

    I've always liked the Idea of a Zoat being able to control a
certain number of Tyranids (similair to the control that Henson's
'Mystics' display over the 'Skeksis' "Gartham"...

Thus: in Game Terms: I've used Zoats as allies for Eldar in 40K
(straight from the 1st ed Eldar Army list in "Book of the Astronomican").

   I've theorized that a Zoat-Controlled Tyranid force (where Zoats
replace all Dominatrix and Tyrants in 'Node' slots: such a force
probably shouldn't be able to use 'Stealers either...) could be used
as an Ally to any Force (representing the Zoats attempt to re-unite
the Cosmic Balance...)

Such a Tyranid force would in fact be <evil chuckle>.....

under "Re-Zoat Control"

< groans from the Peanut Gallery >

"ReB T'oma, the Shaman'O'Gamin' "
Memetic Engineer-Knight Kadosh
Head Designer, Wabi-Sabi Games
"If It's Wabi-Sabi, its Shabui Sho' 'Nuff!!"

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Received on Wed Apr 20 2005 - 11:47:31 UTC

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