Getting rid of some mini's

From: Kory Lorenz <lorenzkl_at_...>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 09:49:08 -0500

Well, after long thought, I am getting rid of my Epic stuff. Lack of
interest in the group I game with is the primary reason for this. Just
couldn't get any of them interested enough to play it over 40k. :(
So, I am offloading my stuff. If this is against any of these groups rules,
I apologize. please follow up with me in a private e-mail if you are
The first group I am getting rid of are my Marines. I also have Orks, Eldar
and some IG. If your interested in any of these other armies, let me know.
I have a decent number of Titans I might part with as well, not sure yet. I
am posting them to these groups before putting them on E-bay (I'd rather not
have to hassle with it.). If you want pictures let me know, I can take some
in the next couple days. On to the list:
These are counting of the men, not stands! I did it this way because the
Devastator marines are mixed in with tacticals on some stands (4 tac and 1
dev, or 3 tac and 2 dev) this is a mix of versions, going all the way back
to the original Space Marine game. They are all plastic, no metal.
Tactical: 700+ (probably half not based)
Assault: 120
Devastator: 90
Terminator: 75
Rhino: 80
Landraider: 30
Speeder: 20
Commanders: 10
Command squads (full stand worth): 5
Scouts: 30
Whirlwinds: 6
Bikes: 60
Dreadnaughts: 25
I am looking for cash for these (make offer), but may consider trades for
40k stuff. I would like to keep it all as one batch, so I will not split it
lorenzkl _at_
Received on Mon Jun 19 2006 - 14:49:08 UTC

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