Re: Necrons for NetEpic

From: Stephane <kotrin_at_...>
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 14:22:20 -0000

Hy Gary

> Sorry you don't buy it.

Don't take it personnally Gary, I know how much work you (and many
others) have put in this list :)

I have no problem with people enjoying current Slaan book, where
Necrons are slaan allies and the like. There's Smurf Army list,
Undead army list and whatever one may come up with. In this regard
the Slaan army book certainy holds much more legitimacy than many
variants created for fun. I've read many messages here on how to
balance Slaan units and where to find suitable miniatures. That's
much work from enthusiasts and I know how one can be slightly on the
defensive when his/her work is criticized - 'did it more than once!

The thing is that Slaan Army book is not threatened at all.

Now, my stance on Necrons:
> As far as the current 40K universe.... what if tomorrow the Smurfs
> destroy the Necrons? Are you going to buy in to that also? GW
> changes fluff at their whim. The Squats are dead only at GW.

You are right, GW can change fluff at whim and did it many times.
Yet, it would be a bit extreme do decree that GW fluff is worthless
for that reason. They define the canon, and I think we should to take
it into account, albeit not being bound by it. GW has a (slight)
legitimacy in the shape of the W40K universe, don't you agree? :)

The problem is that current state of Necrons is not reflected in
NetEpic. They DO exist in W40K settings as a standalone race.
Although you might believe otherwise, I think they are here to stay.
Moreover, there's even an unofficial, but not fan-based, E:A list for
them! With the current pool or resources allocated to Epic games by
GW, few races can claim a similar attention.

Sure, we are not forced to burn our Squat miniatures, thanks to
NetEpic. But we aren't bound in the past either, where Necrons only
existed as a few background keywords. I don't see it any
differently than when Tau were released.

Long ago, I started gathering Necron-like miniatures - you know, the
famous Chaos Androids from the Chaos sprue. I saw several Epic Necron
armies in different forums, very inspiring and characterful. But they
were all for E:A game, based on the unofficial Necron army list. I
wanted to create a pure Necron force for NetEpic, with Pylons,
Monoliths, the Abbattoir and other goodies, and couldn't.

The point is that there is no full-fledged Necron army list for
NetEpic. Not everyone want to field them as Slaan allies!

> However, Having said that, NetEpic is not a "closed system" as GW's
> 40K. There is always room for other armies... Or variants. Everyone
> is always welcome to contribute. If you have seen the Gold Draft ok
> but if not... please have a look before you put it down. There is
> room in NetEpic for the version you crave also.

Indeed, I plan to create a variant. It might be very different from
the current Necron incarnation in Slaan book, because I want them to
be as close as possible to their E:A list.

Now, I know I don't have time (let alone skill) to create a Gold
version of Necron army list. My current goal is just to create a
Necron army list covering current variety in Necron constructs, as
they are defined in E:A.

Best regards, Stephane
Received on Mon Mar 05 2007 - 14:22:20 UTC

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