Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Storm Trooper Rules

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 08:51:07 +1000
May I make two suggestions?  I would add a -1 TSM to the Strom
Troopers - especially if they are supposed to have better weapons and

I disagree with this.  If you're going to give a -1TSM to Storm Troopers, then you should give it to Space Marines, Tau, Chaos Marines, etc.  Their Hellguns are slightly better at penetrating armour at 40K scale than lasguns, but are worse than Bolters and Pulse Rifles (and Marine Tac Stands and Fire Warriors don't get the -1TSM).  Their special weapons (Meltaguns, Plasma Guns, etc) are no different than those carried by regular IG and Marines.  At Epic scale, the difference between armour penetration of a Bolter and a Lasgun is so insignificant that they have the same stats.  Hellguns should be no different so should not get the -1TSM.

Plus the fact that the IG is so limited on anything that has
a -1 TSM.

This is one of the drawbacks of the IG.  We shouldn't start "filling in" army weaknesses when we find them.  These weaknesses are the character of the army and the challenge to cover.  Besides, they have the IG Heavy Company.  If you want a lot of -1TSMs in your army, take one or two of those!!  I know the pain of facing two of those companies entrenched in a building.  Oh the pain.....

I would also consider adding them to the Airborne Company
instead of regular troops and then upping the price point.  Storm
troopers, at least how I envision them, are the super elite troops
that take and hold buildings and objectives.  They are made for use
with the Valkyries.

Yep.  This is a great idea.  I love the idea of an IG Air Cav unit comprised of Storm Troopers.

-Kelvin.... Received on Mon Mar 26 2007 - 22:51:07 UTC

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