Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Chaos Havocs

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2007 09:53:30 +1000
At 12:51 AM 8/08/2007, you wrote:
That is a valid point.  I was thinking of it more along the lines of
wanting to see more of these types of units being used.  For example, I
put my Chaos Marine Companies in Thunderhawks.  (I know some people
have a problem with that, but I don't - and neither have any of the
opponents I have played with.  Thunderhawks allow the Marines to
actually get into the game instead of slogging it out on foot on in
Rhinos, which we all know are death boxes.

Really?  I find Rhinos to be fine transports.  They are certainly no worse than Ork Battlewagons or IG Chimeras.  With the Bail-Out rule you have a chance at surviving plus I rarely see people keep their units in the Transport for more than a single turn anyway.
And why not just use Dreadclaws?  Aren't they the Chaos answer to THawks?

They need some type of transportation considering that the Company card doesn't provide any).
Regardless of whether or not you use Thunderhawks or Rhinos, it would
take three support cards out of the five available to get Chaos Marines
into play.  That means there are only two support card slots left to
use other Chaos Marine forces with.  That was why I came up with this

Then perhaps a Special Card of Rhinos or Dreadclaws to transport the company card is the answer?

I agree with you though that having this company has the potential to
make Chaos too much like the Marines.  However, Chaos Marines are just
fallen Marines, so what is the difference?

I don't like the idea for this very reason.  If we give them units like this then they just become "Evil Marines".  I think that we should try and keep the Chaos Marines as being different for reasons of variety and flavour.  Plus if you want a more palatable reason: the Chaos Marine Legions are organised differently to the newer loyalist chapters.  Havoks were attached to tactical companies as support and not generally organised into companies of their own, a tradition that has lasted until today.

Perhaps we could make a Havok company as an Iron Warriors only card (as they'd likely use them as siege troops) but not for general Chaos Marine use IMHO.

-Kelvin.... Received on Tue Aug 07 2007 - 23:53:30 UTC

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