RE: [NetEpic ML] More rule questions...

From: <nils.saugen_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 08:21:15 +0100


3. Now to the really complicated stuff... When a Mega-Gargant is charged by infantry and the infantry surrounding the Gargant gets counter charged by ork units in the same movement segment, how is the melee played out? Do the opposing infantry enter the gargant and just fight the crew, or is the melee outside the gargant resolved first, or is there a general melee involving all the combatants inside as well as outside the gargant?

Well, I guess that was that. I bet that more questions will show up further down the road.

Best wishes

We usually conduct CC in the order the units are engaged. Starting form the senter of the mob working outward. So in the example above we would fist conduct the CC between the Mega Garagnt and the enemy infantry. Then conduct the CC between the countercharging orks and any remaining enemy infantry (keeping in mind that the enemy infantry already have been in close combat once)


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Received on Thu Dec 27 2007 - 07:21:15 UTC

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