new member seeking advice regarding Snap Fire

From: s4njuro <sanjur0_at_...>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 21:32:55 -0000


I just registered on the netepic group. First of all, let me say how
great it is that you lads keep Epic alive. Some friends and I just
returned to playing Epic after a short break of ahem 10 years...We
stopped when Epic 4ok was issued. Last week we played our first game
in years, and naturally some questions arose. Maybe someone could
clarify the following that we could not agree on.
Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work! We are eagerly awaiting
Netepic Gold! :-)

Snap fire at charging units - Do I have to do this immediately after
having been charged by a detachment, or can I wait until the end of
the movement phase, when all charges have been declared and executed,
or even do it in the First Fire phase? Background: 2 orc bikes charge
my 10 stand detachment. The 2 charged stands fire at the attackers. In
the same turn, another 10 bikes charge. Depending on how you interpret
the rules, a second charge from a bigger unit would now be safer,
since snap-fire has already been done with the 10 stand detachment.
Apart from that, the 10 stands may not shoot in the 1st phase, because
2 stands shot at charging enemies. How do you handle this?


Received on Fri Aug 15 2008 - 21:32:55 UTC

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