I am vaguely aware of the forum!
I apologise for the delay in getting your account approved. We have been significantly hit by spammers in the last week or so, (around 15-20 each day) and I have been frantically deleting accounts which appear strange or leaving them idle to see if a real person exists behind the member name.
I am afraid that it looks like I accidently deleted your sign up, but if you re-register then I will make sure to get you approved as quickly as I can.
I am happy to answer any questions on TacCom.
All the best, and welcome.
--- In netepic_at_yahoogroups.com, "\"the SHaMaN o GaMiN' \"" <peyoterattle@...> wrote:
> I have just discovered a Forum
> (that, based on UserNames, is likely old news to most here)
> which features some exquisite new vehicles that were sculpted and cast
> by Fans (as opposed to GW or Forge World)-
> In particulair:
> Otterman and his "Engine of Antiquity"
> http://tinyurl.com/mw6t8e
> and Apocolocyntosis and his Copper Arachanid:
> http://tinyurl.com/nvpx8o
> ( I am sure that there are more artists and sculpts unknown to me,
> but those are the only two I have found so far...)
> Needless to say: I'm quite blown away,
> and would like to contact these folks
> in order to see if it is at all possible to acquire
> some of these wonderful toys-
> Unfortunately: Tactical Commands moderator is either absent or missing,
> and I haven't been able to get approval as a member as of yet-
> This means it is impossible for me to PM these folks-
> Questions:
> Does anyone know of a way to contact these two sculptors?
> Does anyone know of any -other-
> "Fan Made" vehicles that may still be available for sale/trade?
> (or even if not for the publics consumption:
> Just inspirational photos of such-like) ?
> {Although, to be honest:I am looking to find some
> pre-made to expand my collection;
> sculpting is not my long suit...}
> Does anyone know anything about Tactical Command?
> Any Info appreciated!!!
> Thanks!!
Received on Fri Sep 18 2009 - 19:29:35 UTC