NetEpic stats for Nurgle Blight Drones...?

From: Volstagg <peyoterattle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 09:13:39 -0000

Has anyone come up with NetEpic stats for
the new Forge World Blight Drones?

NetEpic is now spread so thinly, over so many forums,
that I'm sure it must have been mentioned somewhere, elsewhere:
But, not finding any threads _here_
My initial (completely out of the blue, random & non-binding) thoughts would be as follows:

Blight Drone: Daemon Engine of Nurgle
30 cm 6+ +3 Blight Cannon/Pustulence - - 6+ -2 Skimmer special

 _Blight Cannon_
Use the small teardrop template and place it touching the
Blight Drone within a 180-degree FRONT arc.
Any model under the template is destroyed on a 5+ (models with a fixed save may save).
The stream does not affect a Titan / Praetorian.
 This is a physical psychic attack.

 Use the small teardrop template and place it touching the
Blight Drone within a 180-degree REAR arc.
Any model under the template is destroyed on a 5+ (models with a fixed save may save).
The stream does not affect a Titan / Praetorian.
 This is a physical psychic attack.

In effect:
A fast, short-ranged CC oriented land-speeder

(The 'Pustulence' concept is based on
the Gnurgle PlagueShip effects from Man'o'War;
leaving slimy trails in their wake:
I've often ruminated that at least some
Nurgle units should have some similair sort of slime-trail....)


Its probably just easier to use them as proxies
for the 'Breath of Nurgle' unit.....?

(Where/when did -that- unit come from, anyway...?)
Received on Tue Sep 22 2009 - 09:13:39 UTC

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