I like it, how many pts? for how many? You could also treat the template like a mark of Nurgle, but let armored units take their normal armor save. Just a thought.
Scott Lewis
--- On Tue, 9/22/09, Volstagg <peyoterattle_at_...> wrote:
From: Volstagg <peyoterattle_at_...>
Subject: [NetEpic ML] NetEpic stats for Nurgle Blight Drones...?
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 2:13 AM
Has anyone come up with NetEpic stats for
the new Forge World Blight Drones?
http://www.forgewor ld.co.uk/ blightdrone. htm
NetEpic is now spread so thinly, over so many forums,
that I'm sure it must have been mentioned somewhere, elsewhere:
http://tinyurl. com/kofsdr
But, not finding any threads _here_
My initial (completely out of the blue, random & non-binding) thoughts would be as follows:
Blight Drone: Daemon Engine of Nurgle
30 cm 6+ +3 Blight Cannon/Pustulence - - 6+ -2 Skimmer special
_Blight Cannon_
Use the small teardrop template and place it touching the
Blight Drone within a 180-degree FRONT arc.
Any model under the template is destroyed on a 5+ (models with a fixed save may save).
The stream does not affect a Titan / Praetorian.
This is a physical psychic attack.
Use the small teardrop template and place it touching the
Blight Drone within a 180-degree REAR arc.
Any model under the template is destroyed on a 5+ (models with a fixed save may save).
The stream does not affect a Titan / Praetorian.
This is a physical psychic attack.
In effect:
A fast, short-ranged CC oriented land-speeder
(The 'Pustulence' concept is based on
the Gnurgle PlagueShip effects from Man'o'War;
leaving slimy trails in their wake:
I've often ruminated that at least some
Nurgle units should have some similair sort of slime-trail. ...)
Its probably just easier to use them as proxies
for the 'Breath of Nurgle' unit.....?
(Where/when did -that- unit come from, anyway...?)
Received on Tue Sep 22 2009 - 12:28:31 UTC