[NetEpic ML] Re: Heresy Summary

From: Weasel Fierce <septimus__at_...>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 15:22:00 GMT

>1-2 chits, -1 to accuracy and assault value, no penalty to morale to remove
>3-4 chits, -2 to accuracy and assault value, -1 to morale to remove the
>5+ chits, -3 to accuracy and assault value, -2 to morale to remove the
>This adds more tactics to the game as you will bombard a well defended
>position and then assault. Also it gives areason to go for MORE suppression

Sounds very good.

>All titan weapons add d3 counters or suppression
>All artillery add one chit per 2 BP of the attack, meaning a converging
>attack will cause lots more suppression than an open sheaf attack.

Do titan guns add 1d3 EXTRA or 1d3 in total (Instead of normal

>I will increase the suppression of anti-infantry weapons versus armored
>units back to 1/2 total value


>Infantry with anti-infantry weapons may attack armored units within their
>SHORT range and penetrate on a 9+.

Very good

>Anything else to add?

just a question: In close combat... do you use the reduced morale for being
out of command? Marines who are out of command range do they count as -2 to
morale when determining shifts due to morale?

Received on Wed Mar 08 2000 - 15:22:00 UTC

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